The Longing To Go

“But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.” 

Hebrews 11:16

What if what we’re feeling is just us truly longing to go home?

I’ve heard statements from others, and have even made them myself the last couple weeks. It seems we’re all just a bit tired and burned out, we’re stressed or busy to a breaking point, and we just desire a break from it all. I thought about how popular vacations are these days. Yes, I just returned from one; but that’s just it. We feel we need a break from it all, a change of environment, or simply a change of pace. Sure, time away is always nice but we always have to return. 

So I ask this simple question in my heart, “Lord, is this just You getting us ready to go home?” Because seriously, what else will it take to make us tired of living in this world? What will it take for us to finally pray for Jesus to return for His bride and take us out of here? That’s besides the fact that our hearts will only be at home with Him. 

I know the longing is in us all, to be present with the Lord; for He placed this desire within each of us. Think about it, it’s one thing to say it, yet another thing entirely to believe it and live it out every day. I’m guilty! I think maybe we get used to “this is just how it is” and we succumb to this norm instead of seeking after something better and choosing to remember constantly that He could come at any moment - in a twinkling of an eye. It’s true, His Spirit is with us right here, right now but one day we will be with Him. 

I get frustrated with life and just want to quit or take a break, or I want the obstacles and all the heartache, weariness and disappointments go away. Maybe that’s not the right approach or perspective either. Yes, we all get it wrong occasionally. Resting in God shouldn’t bring about these feelings, should it? Aggravation seems logical, but in the grand scheme of things, maybe I’m just tired of living in this fallen world. My soul, and most likely yours too, longs for HOME. That should be the norm!

Please know, I’m not glossing over our struggles and dismissing them as unimportant. They are! I hear you, and I get it...or at least I try to. I have a list too. Life is hard and God never meant for it to be this way. He knew we’d become frustrated and fed up with it all too, so He made a way for us to escape. He never misses anything, does He? He is growing us daily, true, but He made Heaven for us too. Until we get there He is with us and only He will satisfy our souls desires. We can rely on and rest in Him when life gets overwhelming. 

If you’re feeling a bit agitated and ready for things to get better, if you’re ready for unnecessary pressure to ebb away, if your heart is hurting or you’re longing for more...pause, take a deep breath, and be encouraged today. Jesus could come in the next moment! Maybe this is the tug in our hearts - what we’re really longing for is home. Peace. 

Heaven. What a day that will be! 

1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 says, “Then we which are alive, and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one an other with these words.”

Join me and let’s begin to purposefully watch and wait for this day to come. Be encouraged and uplifted today. And, from the words of some old hymnals: this world is not our home, we’re just pilgrims passing through, our treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, angels beckon from Heaven’s open door, I can’t feel at home in this world anymore...Jesus is coming soon morning, night or noon...I’ll fly away.  Soon and very soon, we’ll be caught up to meet Him in the sky and that longing will be finally fulfilled and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Forever. 

