Weariness Isn’t the Winner

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

I need to share with someone who is low in their faith today, weary and struggling with God’s timing and ability. If this is you, please read on, God sees right where you’re at and is working on your behalf. 

Honestly, I have been struggling for a while with this certain situation in my life and have been acutely aware of much needed direction. I was kind of weary with trying to figure it all out. So, I asked the Lord to please show me what to do and how to handle the situation correctly, not as I would in my flesh, but as He would have me do.

I was amazed at how God set things into motion and answered my prayer. I will tell you, the situation is still present, but I do have peace and the direction I asked for. That is what I prayed for. 

Obviously, I had to wait for this to happen, but God was orchestrating it all for me before I was aware of it. I can share this with you now — on this side. 

You see, we all know God doesn’t work according to our timetable, He has His own. His ways and thoughts are much higher than ours are. I’m sure if I could see from God’s perspective the process began way before the point where I, in my finite human thinking, can even begin to imagine; but indulge me for a moment: 

Once upon a time, someone shared something on social media, which afterwards (I don’t know how long passed between this happening) this dear person in my life read. God turned their thoughts to my husband and I and asked them to share it with us. Then, in response, this person asked God for the perfect timing, to be able to share - when both my husband and I would be together.  In God’s omniscience and perfect planning, He used the opportunity of me getting weak and nauseated enough to leave a flea market where my husband and I were enjoying our weekend day together, to totally change our plans, and travel to another location across town. It was then and there that this person met up with us and during our conversation, God presented the opportunity, nudging the person to share at just the right time. 

I know God can do these things, and yet every time He does it, I am awed. He is working things out when we don’t even see Him moving anywhere. Yes He is! He is on the move when we cannot feel a thing. He sees us when we are desperately crying out for help and direction. Hold on!

My thought turned to the garden. My lovely cucumber plants take lots of water and sometimes I don’t water them thoroughly enough. In the heat of the day, the leaves shrivel up and look quite hideous - like they’re going to melt right off the vine. I’m always disheartened by the sight, but I know exactly what they need regardless. More water. 

I don’t know who you may be or what you’re enduring and battling through today, but God wants you to know nothing is impossible with Him. He sees right where you are, and knows exactly what you’re in need of. His purpose can and is being fulfilled in your life. It might take a moment for you to recognize it for what it is, but keep believing and trusting. 

Answered prayers occasionally take time and perseverance on our part. By God’s design...on purpose. 

Just as it disheartening for me to see my cucumber plant in the shape it gets in on those hot days, God does not like to see His children in despair. We should never doubt He is at work. When we don’t feel like we are able to carry on, when we feel shriveled up and seemingly going under, remember God is in control. He knows exactly what you need and what it will take to get you through. He won’t leave you! He’ll turn it around for you, in His time.

Wait upon the Lord and He will renew your strength. Hold on! You may be weary, but you have a promise. Weariness isn’t the winner!

*Just an afterthought I’d like to add here, it’s okay to get weary, we all do at some point. In the middle of it, let’s remember that God is in control and knows just what we’re feeling and experiencing. He will bring us back to restoration. Be blessed and encouraged!
