Peaches & Cream Days

“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17

And...some days are like peaches and cream; some days are just plain ole lemons. That’s just the nature of life. 

I like peaches and cream, sort of. I like lemons, especially in a perfectly blended mixture of Publix blueberry-lemon ice cream. Oh my, a new found guilty pleasure. Simply delish!!! You see, I like to eat nice things containing these ingredients; but to have days described by them is quite different. You know, when life gives you lemons...

When the heat gets turned up, or when things go sour in a hurry, the peaches and cream part of our days can quickly get lost in the mixture. Some days are just like that, huh? This is no surprise. 

It’s amazing how all can be well, we feel refreshed and excited about the day, only to have that zeal come abruptly to a halt. You know, the day was just peachy, then all the sudden it wasn’t?  

Merry go rounds are fun and adventurous - until you’re suddenly thrown off or nauseated beyond belief.  

Old fashioned roller skates are a blast - until you’re laying on the pavement with skinned up knees. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is that there are pros and cons to everything that happens in life - every single day. That’s because we live in a sinful, fallen world. 

We’ve all heard the phrase: “This isn’t what I signed up for.” Well, God didn’t want us to live this way either!

He didn’t sign us up for the negative either, He created a perfect scenario. Imagine that!

However, in our world we must deal with negativity. A given. It’s going to be there. It’s how we deal with it that matters. I’ve always struggled with this, but God continues to work in and with me. I haven’t conquered it but I’m a far cry from where I used to be. That’s what growing in Christ is all about. 

It’s coming slowly, but I CAN find something positive now when a day seems mostly negative. When I’m being dogged by someone who has it out for me, I know God is for me. When things don’t go my way, I stop and recognize God might have something better. When I lose, I realize God will give me peace. When I struggle, I know God will fight for me. Get the picture? This is the lesson God is trying to get me to ace. 

See the recurring, obvious common denominator in those sentences? GOD. That, my friend is how I can find positive when the day goes from peaches and cream to lemons. 

That is walking in the spirit. Seeing God in every situation. That is where I want to walk. No, it’s not turning a blind eye to bad events or situations, it’s choosing to redirect my focus much higher than my situation. It’s soaring above normal. 

Maybe you’re struggling today, can I invite you to change your focus for a moment? 

We are sometimes so blinded by what is right in front of us that we forget Who is right beside us. In us!

We become angry or disillusioned or whatever our thing is, but there is another way. Notice where God is and what He’s saying in your situation today. 

Let’s look for Him and trust that He is there even if we can’t see Him and all looks bleak. He is present and will hold us together...right there in the middle of a day gone sour. 

We can have it all in a day, and be okay! 

That is a promise! Peaches and cream, anyone?
