All Roads Lead...


“...for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” 

Joshua 1:9

During our brief Georgia springs, I enjoy driving down roads lined with pretty, pink blossomed trees. They’re so beautifully, breathtaking against the vibrant, blue backdrop of a March sky. 

Yet, as we walk our journeys in this lifetime, we sometimes arrive at moments when we wish we were on a much different road other than where we find ourselves. Ask anyone and I’m sure they’d share a part of life they’d like to erase from their story. Which part would you choose?

Life is about the road from here to there. The journey is the in-between...the space where we either give up or make a comeback. 

We go through seasons when we enjoy our walk and all is well. Then, as life happens, we can find ourselves walking down a road full of pain and suffering. In those overwhelming moments, we may ask ourselves, “Can I choose a different road already?”

I don’t know about you but I’ve thought and even uttered those words occasionally. I think I’ve done so more often as I age. Sometimes life just doesn’t go according to plan and it bumps into our plans for happiness. 

My thoughts turned to my Savior, Jesus Christ, who also walked many roads during His earthly ministry.

He walked into the temple as a youngster and taught the elders with much wisdom. He walked along the Sea of Galilee calling disciples to follow Him. Everywhere He walked, people’s lives were changed. The good stuff!

He also walked into the Garden of Gethsemane and wept, He walked into the courtyard where He was patronized and whipped by Roman soldiers, and He walked the road to Golgotha carrying His cross. The hard stuff. 

Yeah, we’re definitely NOT alone; Jesus walked roads He wished He didn’t have to either. Although He was God in flesh, He went through it all, and even He had questions about the direction in which His road was taking Him. Do we ever pause to think about that when we’re stressed?

In Matthew 27:39, it reads, 

“And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me...”

Jesus wanted a different road, He desired an easier way too; He wanted to change the path of His  journey. Then, in the same verse, one simple phrase from His heart prevailed: 

nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

That, my friend, is what we need to hear our hearts saying and reminding us of when the road we’re walking seems unbearable and impassable. 

“I don’t like this road. I didn’t choose this route! I want to take a different way or at least change seats so it looks differently.”

This is normal! We don’t like discomfort, we have to trust with all our hearts that He knows best; and be willing to say “not my will, but Yours.”

Yes, sometimes we must walk through the dark seasons in order to arrive at, and truly appreciate, the beauty of a spring day blessing. God orders our steps, both the good and the ugly.

He summed it up for us when He spoke unto Joshua. If we choose to say “not my will” God has promised to be with us on ANY road we may walk. We just have to be strong and courageous enough to keep taking a step. 


My friend, don’t be discouraged by the way. Yes, it’s easy to do so. When the road gets too hard to travel, remember Who is holding your hand. A comeback season is indeed a beautiful chapter, but it only comes after we have traveled the unwanted road and said in faith, “Not my will, but Yours be done.”

Dear Lord, 

You know my heart well, and that sometimes I’m not happy about the road I must walk. It goes against everything I want! You also know, as do I, that THIS road will bring me closer to you and make me stronger if I’ll stay the course. Help me to submit and say “not my will” and then I can be assured that you will be right there with me every step of the way. Amen. 
