What’s In Your Hand?

(My daily Bible pondering on Exodus 4)

“And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.” Exodus 4:2


God wants to use what you already hold in your hand. 

He has equipped us for the purpose we are to fulfill. Caution: It might even scare us a bit like that rod and serpent scenario Moses experienced in this chapter! It’s up to us to take the gifts He’s blessed us with though, the stuff that’s in our hand, and use them. God might even require our hand to suffer along the way - just as Moses experienced a withered hand. However, it’s always for our testimony, His glory, and someone else’s increased faith or salvation. 

We will probably always question our ability to do what He has called us to, after all, some of the things He calls us to seem far beyond our scope. He alone knows what we’re truly capable of and how our story will eventually bring Him glory and touch the lives around us. It’s wise to keep in mind, we can never fulfill His purpose within ourselves, we must continuously rely completely upon God. 

If God made us with a stuttering problem, if we experience depression, or sickness - He’ll use it. If He made us with handicaps or with extra needs, He’ll use them. If we think we’re perfect material, He will fix that too with a God-sized dose of humility. He always has a plan for our lives!

When we go forth willing, with a cheerful heart which is ready to give, He will be with us and teach us about our talent, gifting or purpose along the way. We’re never left on our own, we just have to be willing to accept our  perceived “weaknesses” and believe He can and will work through us.

If we think any differently or question, we might end up short changing ourselves. Moses gave all kinds of excuses and God reluctantly added another vessel (Arron) to the equation to get His work accomplished. Are we willing to give up our destiny because we feel we’re not enough - when clearly God says and thinks we are?  

I don’t know, but this is something I’ve thought about today: I wonder what would’ve happened if Moses would’ve accepted the call of God on his life and readily agreed? Without throwing up the”I can’t’s” or saying he wasn’t qualified. Would there still have been ten plaques? Did Moses have to go through extra steps because He wasn’t willing to step out in faith and use what he had been given by the Lord? Just a thought. 

I don’t know about you, but it’s easy to be fearful, feel less-than, and to shrink back. Sometimes, although we don’t come right out and say it, we choose to think God might have chosen the wrong person for the job. Don’t we? 

“Oh, God, use this person, they have it so much more together than I do.”

Yeah, I might admit here that I’m guilty of this kind of thinking and acting in my lifetime. How about you?! I’m sure there will definitely always be someone much more qualified in our opinion. If we have been called to a purpose, no matter what it is, we must remember God ALWAYS gets it right. Let us be careful not to question His judgement. 

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want anyone fulfilling the call God has placed on my life other than myself. I’ve been thinking about this  quote:

“God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”


No matter the insurmountable challenges and impossibilities we think we see, with God all things are possible and what an adventure to be called to. Let’s not be quick to question, but to say instead, “Here am I, use me!” 

What’s in our hand? Will we faithfully and purposefully choose to use it to fulfill His will, or will we shrink back in question and unbelief? 

Just a little thought I’ll be pondering and I invite you to come along too. 
