Where’s Wal...God?


“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” Psalms 9:10

Remember the childhood hide-and-seek, puzzle book? Where’s Waldo? The pages would usually be extremely cluttered with this and that - merely distractions for the viewer on the hunt for a glimpse of the red-and-white striped Waldo. 

Yeah, I used to enjoy the task of searching for the little guy hidden amongst the clutter on the pages. He just had to be there! Then, I’d spot him. Case solved. I win!

I find myself, now a “mature’ adult playing the same sort of game sometimes. You know, as well as I, that life can get pretty distracting and the clutter of just living life can become quite stressful, let alone anything come along that is monumentally challenging. Instead of the funny little character in the puzzle book, I find myself looking heavenward asking, “Where’s God?”

Sometimes it’s hard to spot Him! At times it seems almost impossible to see the work of His hand or even feel Him near. Where’s God?! It can be quite distressing to call out and pray and search...and still, nothing. 

I might have put Him on trial this morning if I’m honest with you. I stood in my kitchen, feeling helpless, crying out and trying to spot Him. Over and over, I kept asking Him where He was? Why wasn’t He answering? How long would He be silent, or at least let it seem that way anyhow? 

Come on God, answer!! Show up already!!!

As tears streamed from my eyes, I felt a gentle nudging in my spirit, “Just trust Me. I’m here.” 

I know He hears, in fact, I am sure He answers every prayer we pray. However, sometimes it’s just extremely difficult to find proof of Him moving on my behalf. You know, those times when the clutter is everywhere, stress rises, anxiety overwhelms, and answers seem to go missing in action?

I’m pretty sure He understands our frustrations. Yet, even when we can’t find Him, He’s always there, just like Waldo. Right?!

I’m aged enough, notice I didn’t say old enough, to know He is working for me in those times when I can’t tell He’s there. I just wonder if sometimes He’s simply waiting on me to settle myself and give Him space and time to bring it into my field of vision. Learning to trust is so much more difficult than finding Waldo. Just keep trusting Me, He whispers. 

Ouch!!!! That’s so hard at times. 

Don’t we all want to open up our life’s puzzle book and be the first to scream out, “I see Him!! There He is!!” Don’t we want to raise our hands in victory, rejoicing because we see the hand of God and His plan unfolding before our very eyes? I know, I do. You too? 

I’m afraid sometimes God’s ways are far beyond our comprehension. He has the ability to see beyond what I can. He also always knows what’s best for me. Yet, sometimes my inner child kicks in and I want the answer and to see Him NOW. 

The clutter and stress of my life doesn’t baffle God. He’s never surprised! Or lost. He’s there all along doing what He does best. 

My job? Our job? It’s to just continue to look for Him throughout the pages of our lives. When the clutter and chaos seem to prevail, we can rest assured HE IS THERE. When we can’t see or feel Him, when we question His whereabouts, we must simply trust His word and stand on His promises. 

Sure, as adults we won’t find a “Where’s God” puzzle book.  We must often remind ourselves that He knows our needs before we ask, He anticipates them. He knows every detail of our lives and is acquainted with our suffering and grief. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent so He is never taken by surprise nor will He ever be defeated. He’s well-suited to take care of us, even when we don’t realize or see Him at work. 

So, “Where’s God”, we may ask? Keep seeking and trusting Him, and rest in knowing He’s got even this too. We win! 
