She Made Me

I woke up this morning and started my day with a to-do list and determination to get it all done. 

Then, everything suddenly stopped. 

It’s true, we never know what may happen in a day. Yes, I know this far too well by now. Just one phone call can change everything. 

One of those phone calls came to me while I was checking out at Hobby Lobby this morning. 

Somehow, I don’t think we’re ever ready to receive that phone call to tell us someone has passed on from this life. Whether it’s suddenly or after a lengthy sickness - are we ever really “ready”? I certainly wasn’t ready to hear my mother was gone. 

There’s much I could say about my mother for sure. She made me learn to play the piano - ugh. She made me sit still so she could make me “pretty” - ugh. She made me dress my best for church services. She made me sit on the front row, and behave - ugh. She made me go to youth camp - ugh. Yeah, I suppose mothers make us do all sorts of things we don’t enjoy. 

She made me part of who and what I am today. 

God commissioned parents: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 

Yes, some of those very things which I didn’t care for so much growing up helped turned me into who I am today. 

I still don’t care to get all prettied-up. Give me a jean skirt and T-shirt any day! But I can be presentable when necessary. I always go to church...and I always look my best for the Lord on those days. I still sit on the front row in church...and there’s no place I’d rather be. I never did care for youth camp but that’s where I got my first solo in the choir and learned to love singing. I finally learned a little piano too, enough to be used by God. 


I’m certainly glad my mother made me. 

We didn’t always see eye to eye, and I’m sure I disappointed her on numerous occasions too. I’m so thankful to have had a mother who, along with my Dad, raised me right. I was passed down a rich heritage and love for the things of God. I was blessed with parents who taught me what mattered most in life - what I do for the Lord. That, my friend, is priceless. 

So, although my heart is sad today; my soul is rejoicing. Because my mother made me, I’m a better person. I’m a better mother. A better wife. A better friend. A better servant. 

Thanks, Mom! I’m so glad you made me!

A memorial to my mother: 

Pamela Kay Walters McCloud

April 27, 1947 - January 29, 2021

You will forever be loved and missed. 
