Drink Up!


Hi there, friend. 

Do you begin your day with a cuppa tea or coffee? Do you have a favorite coffee mug or tea cup? A favorite coffee or tea blend you prefer? I do. Yes, to all the above questions. 

My favorite cup is a heavy, turquoise cup given to me by a friend. I like to hold it with both hands and feel the warmth seeping into my fingers on cold, winter days. My cup holds a nice amount of coffee too, and keeps my beverage  warm and toasty just the way I like it. 

When I have a hankering for a nice, warm cuppa, I press the start button on my Keurig and it begins to heat up my water. When it’s ready, I press the button again and warm, steamy, aromatic liquid begins to pour into my favorite cup as I anticipate the enjoyment of relaxing and savoring the moment before me. 

This morning, I’m thinking of an old song I know, Fill My Cup, Lord. You know the song? 

Fill my cup, Lord

I lift it up, Lord

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul

Bread of Heaven, fill me till I want no more, 

Here’s my cup, fill it up

And make me whole

An oldie, but goodie, for certain. As I sit here enjoying my cuppa and thinking about the goodness of the Lord, and all He’s done for me, and how He maketh the my cup to overflow...I am grateful and give Him praise. 

You know, the saucer we place under a cup is for catching the overflow. 

How often I’ve needed that saucer while I’m walking from the kitchen to my favorite spot. Sometimes, I fill my cup too full, or sometimes I’m just simply a bit clumsy in the mornings. That saucer catches the overflow which sloshes from my cup. 

While I may not prefer the hot, liquid gold splashing over onto my flesh, when I think about God overfilling my proverbial cup and allowing it to splash over into my soul, now that’s a different story altogether. The goodness of the Lord is soul-satisfying and I can never get quite enough. Bring it on, Lord! Fill me up to overflowing. 

Not only does the overflow effect my soul, an overflowing cup will splash over and spill out onto others. Quite the opposite though, an empty cup won’t even begin to get me wet. Let’s drink up!

Sure, I can enjoy a cuppa by myself, but I find it much more enjoyable when sharing with a friend. How about you? It becomes so much more at that moment I’m sitting across from someone, literally or virtually, chatting about this and that.  

I don’t know about you, but this morning while I enjoy my cuppa, I’m thinking and desiring to be an overflowing cuppa myself. 

Oh, to be filled to overflowing with the love and blessings of God! 

Then, to have that splash over onto someone else who desperately needs to be filled up and feel a little bit of Jesus in their day is something very desirable in my opinion. 

What good am I doing in this world if I keep all the good stuff to myself? What purpose is my cuppa fulfilling if I don’t share the abundance of what God has blessed me with someone else? What good pleasure do I bring the Lord if I don’t stay filled - and overflow - with His warmth and joy?   Have you asked yourself this question lately?

My friend, someone is depending upon us to drink of the goodness of God today, then share some of the overflow with them. Are we drinking from that soul-quenching fountain often enough? Are we overflowing or empty and dry? 

I don’t know about you, but today I find myself longing to be that comforting, soul-satisfying, abundant cuppa and to share it with someone else in need. There are many desperate people in our world today who say they’re fine; but deep within, they are thirsting for more. 

My daily prayer:

Lord, fill me up, then spill me out for your glory and honor. 

Anyone want to join me for a cuppa? Who will you share your cuppa with today? Someone is depending upon us to overflow and share. God longs to keep His favorite cups overflowing and spilling over. Let’s drink up - and spill out today!
