Choose: Adult Version


“...choose you this day whom ye will serve...” Joshua 24:15 

Mint chocolate chip? Strawberry? Rocky Road? Cup? Cone? Waffle cone dipped in chocolate and rolled  in sprinkles, marshmallows or nuts? One scoop or a triple dipper?

Choices are innumerable these days. Have you been to an ice cream shop lately? Gone are the simple Neapolitan days. How do you choose from so many opinions anyhow? It’s mind boggling! Yeah, we’ll, that’s only the elementary version of choosing in this life. 

CHOOSE- to make a choice between two or more options

We choose friends, spouses, cars, colleges, jobs, shoes, churches and homes - just to name a few.  We choose every day and most often multiple times a day. 

We choose what to eat for breakfast, which clothes to wear for a date, we choose how fast we drive down the interstate and what flavor ice cream or latte we will enjoy today. 

There are other things we choose too. If we will lie or tell the truth, if we will be kind, or not, whether we’ll maintain our integrity or give into temptation, etc. 

We have the opportunity to choose almost every second of every day. 

I’ve chosen the word CHOOSE for 2021. Yes, that we even have this option can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how we take it to heart. Every minute choice we make touches both our lives and the lives of others. 

There comes a time in life when we must be intentional about what we choose. Often, some choices will be the difference between life and death. Success or failure. Will we opt for relationships which support and push us toward our goals or pull us downward and away? And then, there are choices we must make which ultimately effects where we’ll spend eternity. 

We cannot be slack and lackadaisical allowing our choices to be made for us, we must stand tall and make them. Chocolate or vanilla might not be a life-altering choice, unless allergies are involved; but who we allow to be at our table and how we choose to live out our days is worth considerable contemplation. 

“Choose you this day whom you will serve” is a popular Bible phrase we’ve probably all heard. In the world we now live in, which is so very different from the one we grew up in, our choice matters more than ever. Yes, there’s another phrase I’ve heard often growing up: if everyone else jumps off the bridge, will you?

I guess what I’m saying is this: choose wisely. God is depending upon our choosing for the great revival of the last days. He’s depending upon us to be consecrated and obedient to His leading. He’s depending upon us to plant seed. To be His hands and feet. 

Choose wisely today! Life choices now include so much more than which flavor ice cream we prefer.  We’re playing the grown up version! Let’s think about that as we go about our day today. 

