Weeping & Rejoicing


“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” Romans 12:15

They were walking down the path, toward the water’s edge, pushing a lady in a wheelchair. They stopped and sat two black bag-like items on the ledge and then placed a Bible between them and snapped a pic. Immediately, it caught my attention...

It happened today as we were site-seeing in the Smokey Mountains. I love to capture my own pics for this blog and that is what I was doing today. Then, we stumbled upon this scene and somehow, in my heart, I immediately knew what was going on. 

I respectfully walked on by to give them the privacy I felt they deserved and probably desired. Funny thing is, my dear hubby stood quietly on the bridge above them and captured the moment.

After a few moments, from our perspective places, we both silently watched the couple assist the lady in the wheelchair. She was releasing ashes of loved ones into the cold, mountain stream. Yes, it was a very solemn moment for sure and my heart ached for them! 

When they were done, the one lady walked over to us and asked my husband if he had captured the moment. He let her know he had, she thanked him, and then they swapped telephone numbers so the moment could be shared and saved.

She said this was a trip they had been dreading to take. I got that. We stood there, listened to their story and offered our condolences. It was an unforgettable moment in our day. 

Afterwards, I thought about how differently God makes each of us and how we respond to certain situations in different ways. There was really no right or wrong way in which either my husband or I had responded to the moment. Only different. We were present. 

All around us, there are hurting people. They may not want to broadcast their pain, or they might blast it loud and clear for everyone to hear and see. Again, there is no right or wrong way. I’ve learned this firsthand. It’s an uniquely, individual thing, grief is. However, one thing is the same across the board, hurting people want someone to listen, to be able to share their story without feeling judged or condemned. They want to be validated and understood in the middle of their pain.

This is what it means to weep with those who weep. To be there, to show up in a way they need us to. No, we cannot “fix” certain situations but we can be present, offer a listening ear and know we are doing the Lord’s work in it all. 

The beautiful thing is we get to enjoy both ends of the spectrum. We can weep and rejoice. We help lighten and diminish the painful moments, while we add to and multiply the joyful, rejoicing moments. 

May we all be a little bit more observant of these unique opportunities. We can tenderly touch the hearts which are weeping and also be joyful with those who are rejoicing. It’s all part of God’s sovereign plan. What a blessing to know we can be a part of touching lives and being the hands and feet of Jesus. 

We can all make a difference in our own unique ways. Just do it!
