Thankful, Right Here


“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good...”  Psalm 106:1

On this Thanksgiving-prep day, or Thanksgiving Eve if you prefer, I wanted to pause to share some of the overflow I’m experiencing in this new season God is leading me into. 

Right here in the midst of sickness on the homefront, of being in quarantine for the last little bit, of having to settle for church online, of dealing with random pangs of grief, and with the rest of the world reeling and rocking with confusion and division...

right in the middle of all heart overflows with thankfulness and praise to the One I know is still faithfully holding it all (including me) together. 

Thankful, right here!

Praising God because of who He is, for what He’s done in my life, from where He’s brought me, and the many blessings and benefits of being His child and serving Him. There’s so much to be thankful for; how do we get so bogged down with life that we sometimes fail to see this truth? Yet, still it happens. 

I’ve come to learn everything doesn’t have to be perfect for me to be thankful.  Children may be wayward, finances may be in trouble, relationships slipping, health declining, my heart breaking, or maybe it’s simply that the dog chewed up my favorite pair of shoes today. In spite of “whatever”, thankfulness can happen, right here. 

When we give thankfulness an opportunity to shine and work in our lives, we will realize we’re living in the overflow. Most likely, others will recognize it too. Perhaps it’s even contagious! What a wonderful world this could be if we were all...

Thankful, right here!

Here’s to trying to be intentional, and being thankful on purpose - every day. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours~
