
"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." Psalm 42:1

I’ve been enjoying watching wildlife from my kitchen window this summer. We’ve been blessed to watch chubby squirrels, rabbits, dove, blue jays, red birds, and probably a few other species which I’ve forgotten. Our favorite is watching the deer make their way hesitantly out of the woods. My husband has been putting feed out faithfully, and we spend half the evening looking out the window at our furry and feathered friends.

Although the squirrels are definitely comical, kind of like watching a rerun of The Three Stooges, I’ve especially enjoyed watching two, spotted fawns that come in with their mother. They’ve grown over the summer months and their spots have almost completely vanished now. It’s absolutely adorable to watch them pounce and play in between eating spells. I’ve watched and laughed as they have stomped their hooves at the stingy, jaw-packing squirrels, as they try to scare them away. Squirrels gather by the fours, fives and sixes sometimes – and can pack away the feed quite quickly.

This weekend was the beginning of our deer hunting season here in Georgia. Last night, our growing, little fawns were back…but alone.

My heart immediately sank! Ugh!

I know! Its just that my tender heart goes out to them, even though they’re animals and that’s the nature of their lives. I’m not sure if the mother was hanging behind watching them from deeper inside the woods this time, or whether she was shot by a hunter this weekend. It’s highly probable that they are now on their own. A girl can always hope, can’t she!

I was thinking about how God created wildlife with instincts to help them survive. God has also placed instincts and desires within each of us.

Sometimes we feel like we’re all alone in our struggle to survive. Sometimes we’re not quite sure what to do. Sometimes we want to run away. Sometimes we’re not sure if we’re going to make it. And sometimes, what we think we need most isn’t so. I suppose all that is normal, we’re humans after all.

I was thinking today though, about the things God instills within us. Before we’re even born, He gives us all the desire for Him. You’ll never make me believe there is ever a soul born which doesn’t long and thirst for their Maker. He instills that within us! True, some people allow that desire to be short-circuited so they don’t appear to even be interested in God, but the desire is still there. Deep down, in the heart. Engrained within the soul.

I realize that the fawns most likely will be just fine. It’s amazing to me how thoroughly God designed everything He made. They’ll continue to grow and hopefully keep coming back to the haven we’ve created for them – and, no, they don’t have emotions like I do either. I know!

What matters about us is our desire for God. He’s our Savior. Our Redeemer. We are in this world but we’re not supposed to be of this world. How are our instincts carrying us closer to Him? How are they allowing us to shine for His glory? We were created for more!

We’re not out here on our own, left to do whatever we think is best. We have instincts which should push us toward God. Let’s not allow that instinct to be short circuited or coveredup.

We are His children, designed for purpose...meant to survive and thrive. Instincts!
