Eyes: All Is Well


“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him...”. 

                                 2 Chronicles 16:9

So, I must be transparent and let you know from the start that these last few days the tide has been crashing in again. The grief waves are still real...and I’m yet holding on. Actually, it would be better stated that I’m being held!

I’ve been thinking a lot about the eye: the eye of the storm, the eye of the Lord, etc. 

I know we’ve all heard about the eye of the storm being the calm in the midst of the storm. When all is raging around us, and we’re at peace in our spirits, we’re in the eye of the storm. 

It dawned on me that during those stormy moments, when we’re being tossed about by driving winds and waves, that we’re in the eye of the Lord as well. The old song says His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. 

The waves may crash and the storm may rage, we might see it all around and experience its effects, but there IS a peace in the midst of the storm. We can confidently know that He holds us close, He wipes away our tears, and is present in every storm. 

Yesterday, I sat in Sunday school and fought back the ugly cry. You know, I don’t mind crying or people seeing me cry, I’ve gotten used to the tears somewhat; however, when the sorrow wells up from deep within and I feel like there’s going to be a loud expulsion of tears, I try to contain it a bit. For my sake and others as well. 

Still, the sorrowful tears escaped and streamed down my face. You know, tears have a way of refreshing and healing our wounds. I’ve been told time after time that tears are good. I’m starting to understand! It’s amazing how the tears may flow yet there remaineth a peace at the same time. 

My heart may feel like it will explode under all the pressure, I may be unsure of what’s next; but this I know, God giveth peace even in the midst of the storm. He always sees right where I’m at. 

So, wether I’m in the eye of the storm and everything around me is peaceful, or if I’m in the eye of the Lord and the tears fall and the waves crash all around me; I am secure. 

I don’t have to be afraid. I don’t have to be ashamed. Let the storm rage, let the tears fall...and still I know I’m held safely in His arms. I know my soul is anchored in the Lord. I’m not alone. He holds me near. I am sheltered. He is good. 

We’re a little over a month shy of our third year anniversary of the loss of our son. Everything seems a little tender and touchy. The slightest thing seems to be a trigger, for the tears to fall. I look back and wonder how we made it to this point, but I know it has been only by the grace of God. Yes, His grace is sufficient. It hasn’t been easy and there have been a lot of back-tracking here and there, but God has been faithful — and will remain so. 

This I know: I may sit on a pew and sob like a baby, but I have peace. The tears may flow like a river, but it is well. My heart may ache with the pain of loss and sweet memories, but God holds me tight and I will not falter. The same sorrow I feel today walks hand in hand with the joy I have in the Lord. Even in the storm I know, I’ll be okay. Everything will be alright. 

I’m thankful for the eye of the storm I can BE IN, the all-seeing eye I can REST IN, and also for my eye which can confidently TRUST IN the promise that He is with me and will bring me even through this storm. 

If you’re feeling tossed about right now, join me in knowing, all is well. We can depend upon Him. The storm will pass on, and we’ll still remain in His eye. If we’ll only keep our eyes upon Him, He will lead us safely through to the other side of any storm that rages.

Rest securely in His eye...all is well.  


