A Turtle or A Palm Sitter?


While reading the Word this morning, I found myself praying through chapters in Psalms. I do this occasionally, but today, right where I’m at, again the Lord met me - right here. 

The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice: the floods lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.” Psalm 93:3-4

If you’ve ever lost someone close to you, you’ve probably heard of grief waves. After the loss of our son, I came to understand this concept very clearly. If you’ve been around this blog very long, you’ve probably read about the waves to which I’m referring.

Grief waves come and go sort of like the tide. High and low tides are expected occurrences. I suppose the thing about grief waves is that, for the most part, there is no set or expected time for the waves to begin and end. 

For me, the waves are crashing in now. There are certain times after a loss when you can predict their presence nearing. Holidays, birthdays and death anniversaries are a few times in which I can almost certainly prepare for the battering of waves.  

As I mentioned in my last post, we are nearing the third death-anniversary of the loss of our son. Yes, I’ve come a long way on this journey since the beginning, but the reality and pain is still there. Grief never ends or goes away, we only learn to deal with it better.  

I wanted to take this opportunity to share this verse the Lord strengthened me with today. Maybe it will bless you as well; I think we can all understand waves and noise. 

The waves sometimes feel as if they will flood my soul. It feels so overwhelming at times. Yes, I said it. I’m a Christian, a believer, I have faith, and I sometimes struggle. I’m real. 

This verse talks about the floods lifting their voice and waves. Anyone out there understand this? 

When we’re overwhelmed, everything gets really loud, doesn’t it? It confuses or discombobulates us. It often causes us to want to hide out until everything calms back down. I’d love to be a turtle during times like such! Just hunkering down and hanging out in the safety of my shell until it’s safe to come out again. It can get quite scary! The noise brings about fear...not peace. 

The next verse says it all though. The most important thing for us to remember: The Lord is mightier than the noise and the waves. Period. 

He is faithful to hold us safely in the palm of His hand. I don’t need to be a turtle, only a child of God — a palm sitter. 

It’s such a simple concept. 

I’ve been terrified of what’s to come because I’ve been reminded of what happened in the past. Again, if you’ve been here any length of time, I went through an awful depression earlier this year. This verse reminded me to look back at how faithful God has been to bring me through every flood of grief; and how He hasn’t changed a bit. 

He is mightier than the waves and the noise associated with them. Oh, how I love the Psalms! I’m reminded today, and want to remind you, there is no kind of wave which can overtake us when we’re safely resting within the palm of His capable hand. A palm sitter. 

There might be pain, our hearts may hurt, we may feel like we’re going to slip under, but we cannot be moved from His hand. There is no damage done by any noise or wave which cannot be undone or prevented by our mighty God. 

No. The process can’t be escaped or avoided, but we can be safe anyhow. Right in the middle of the flood, because He is mightier. The Hebrew boys didn’t escape the fiery furnace, but the Lord was mightier. 

We can’t escape the process, but we can trust Him in it, because He is mightier. 

You might not be in a grief wave, but there are many waves which attempt to overtake us.  I hope this touches you like it did me. Tears flowed down my face as I thanked Him for His character and ability, His grace and mercy, His Word. I rejoice in knowing I am His and He is mine. With Him, I can come through any wave and the noise of the flood threatening me. You can too!

Yes, I’m finding myself sitting right here safely in His palm today...hope you’re there with me too, friend. What do you choose to be: a turtle or a palm sitter?

