Stick-Like-Glue Friendship

Have you ever heard someone say, “I have 978 friends” or “My friends list is up to 2,925.”? You’ll immediately know they’re referring to social media platforms because really, how many people have that many friends? Friend. There are many definitions and levels nowadays. 

I currently have 591 friends on my social media account. (I had to go look because I had absolutely no idea what the number was.) I used to have many more but through the seasons and stages of life, I’ve downsized multiple times. Hello! You know some of those folks on your list just want to know your business. I’d venture to say that only a handful of the people on my list would be considered real friends when you break it all down to what a friend is supposed to be. 

When I have a close friend, I try to find out and pay attention to all their likes and dislikes. What color scheme, foods and music they like best and when the special days are in their lives. I want to know them more than just on the surface level. 

Also, I desire to spend time with friends and to bless them however I’m able. I like to talk to them, even though my preferred method of communication is writing, I enjoy a phone chat too. I enjoy their voices, their laughs and stories; I like to listen and for them to feel heard. I want to be sensitive and recognize when they are having a bad day, although I’m not always that keen. We all know the difference a kind word, a hug, or a smile can make in the midst of an rough day. 

I want to be that kind of friend and I want to have those kinds of friends. We all do! True, we’re all a little bit different and love differently too, but real friendship is always give and take. Love. Grace. Compassion. Shared experiences, burdens and thoughts. I am thankful for all forms of friendships but I need a few friends who aren’t merely surface friends. Surface relationships have their place; but true friendship requires work and develops a much deeper, lasting bond. 

You know, there are those hard seasons when friendship takes extra work. We often hear the phrase “friendship is free” but it truly isn’t. Friendships cost! I know all too well the different seasons. Yes, there are joyous times when everything is light and laughter comes easy; but there are times in life when only a close friendship will save your life. 

They say we will only have a few close friends in a lifetime. The stick-like-glue type which can’t be scared away, those are the ones that choose to walk with you when the rest walk away. They choose to stay. To support. To be understanding and compassionate. To love anyhow. That’s the kind of friend I want. That’s the kind of friend I want to be. 

The value and strength of true friendship is increased during the rough spots in life where we decide we’re going hang out and stay anyhow - in spite of the terrain. 

Are you with me? Surface relationships aren’t satisfying enough sometimes!

I was thinking about all this today - my close friends. My best friends. My stick-like-glue friends. There aren’t 581 of them either! 

Then I thought about a very best friend who never leaves my side, knows everything there is to know about me, knows my weaknesses and strengths, loves me no matter what I do right or wrong, and always comes when I call - and when I’m too weak to even whisper help. My friend’s name is Jesus. 

But, I was our friendship lopsided? Do I spend enough time getting to know Him and do I spend enough time with Him to know what He likes and doesn’t? Do I give to Him or do I expect Him to do all of that? Do I long to be with Him like He longs to be with me? Do I treasure His friendship above all others? He is a jealous friend. He wants all of me. Do I want all of Him or do I treat Him like one of my “friends” on my list who are just acquaintances? It’s a sobering thought, but one we should all consider. 

I know I am not the perfect friend no matter how hard I try to be. I make my friends upset, I disappoint and let them down at times - not because I want or intend to, but because I’m human. We all are. Even our closest and best friends can hurt and distance themselves from us at times, but Jesus is always there. He’s not going anywhere! 

So, if you’re in need of a true, lasting friendship...I invite you to try Jesus. Sure, He provides us flesh and blood bonds and relationships for us too, He loves us that much; but He is a friend Who is like no other. He’s a friend Who will be faithful and trustworthy.  And, well, we really need Him! 

The beautiful thing is that He wants us just as bad as we need Him.

What a friend we have in Jesus! He is a stick-like-glue friend. 

Our friends on social media accounts have their place too. Will we lie to ourselves and believe they are all we need though? There’s more to friendship. We need those precious few - and most of all Jesus. 
