Affliction, A Good Thing?

“It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” Psalm 119:71

When we’re walking through the darkness, we can’t clearly make out what is ahead. When we’re tired and weak, we don’t think clearly and may not make wise choices. When we’re going through a valley or trial, we can’t always see anything good in our dilemma or it’s outcome. 

Our main goal is usually to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. End of subject! Eject! 

Am I the only one? Somehow, I don’t think so. 

Life brings us all kinds of situations and circumstances, and sometimes we stand there scratching our heads, wondering what to make of it all. We know the Word says:

God works all things together for good

He makes all things beautiful in His time

What the enemy means for bad, God means for good 

We “know” it, even though at times getting it from our head to our heart takes an awful lot of perseverance, reminders and active faith. 

Today, I find myself sitting on a plane, a seat apart from a sweet lady suffering from lung cancer. She told me so before we took off so I wouldn’t be concerned if she started coughing. I politely responded and mentioned her in prayer as we taxied down the runway. She hasn’t coughed yet and seems to be snoozing soundly, but I wonder about her story. You see, I find after I’m further along in my own life story, each chapter God brings and sees me through changes me a little bit more. 

I’m more compassionate and observant than I used to be. I often recognize things others might miss. Mind you, it’s not because they don’t care or that I’m all that. Some people just haven’t had the opportunity to go through some of the stuff I have. I haven’t learned some of things you or others have either, so it’s all good. Life is an educator and we all walk our own paths, and as long as we walk it with the Lord, we’re good. 

I read this verse just this morning while waiting for boarding time and it stood out to me. 

It is good that I’m afflicted. 

Wow! Now that’s a mouth full, isn’t it? 

I haven’t gotten there yet, but I’m working on my attitude. If we’re honest, we none like to suffer. I’m pretty sure my row buddy doesn’t enjoy dealing with her sickness nor does she consider it a gift. It takes time, growth and trust in God to develop this way of living and thinking. It’s part of God’s process for us. Again, I’m NOT there yet. 

We can’t see it right while it’s happening most of the time, but after we get a little closer to our destination, sometimes we can see where we’re better off for going through some turbulence. It helps us deal with and comfort others, and maybe even ourselves, much more kindly and effectively. We take on a little bit more of God-likeness. We have a little more patience, understanding and give a bit more grace to others than before. We have a bit more compassion. We learn a little bit more about His character and His ways of doing things - because you know we wouldn’t do it that way if we were running the show. 

It IS a good thing to be afflicted if we respond correctly and stay focused on the Lord. Again, He’s running the show, not us. He knows what’s best for us and where our hearts need altered. One thing is for sure, He is always working on making us better and giving us what’s best for us. He’s that type of Savior!

From up here in the air, I can’t see the ground clearly. I can’t see the details of what’s below me. It’s a bit too fuzzy to process. Yet, I’m sure that as the plane lands, as we get closer to the runway again, it will all become bigger and clearer. I want to trust God while He sees the bigger picture I cannot grasp. I want to say, “Yes, I’m going through this valley, and it’s a GOOD thing.” 

I’m learning more about and growing more as a child of God through every affliction. You too? I recall another verse about Him knowing the way we take and coming out looking like gold in the end. I think it was Job saying that from his state of affliction. 

Yes, as we come through each valley, if we’ve done it right, we’ll be stronger. 

Our story will indeed be a little more interesting and climatic, but who wants to listen to a boring story anyhow? 

We like action! As we learn more about God, we’re able to share that with others. We glorify God! That’s one reason it’s so important for us to respond correctly. Our testimony is being written into our story. 

And that, my friend, is a very good thing indeed! 
