Sticks & Stones - An Adult Version

We all know and have probably heard it since we were children sporting new sneakers and piggy-tail hairdos on the first day of Kindergarten. Yes, suddenly someone would spew ugly, hurtful words our way and we might have retorted back with the phrase: 

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!”

Yeah, really though? While that phrase might sound like we’re “all that”, most often it’s a proverbial, verbal mask we put on to hide the wounds which words really can inflict. I’d say the correct response should be: 

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may slowly kill me.”

I know, maybe that’s a bit drastic, but just pause to ponder the words that have been hurled into your heart by angry or thoughtless individuals. 

“What’s wrong with you?”
“Why can’t you get it together?”
“You’re never going to get it.”

I could continue on, and you could even add your own list. I’m sure some phrases most likely stabbed sharply at your heart even as you read the ones I provided above. Words can make us feel smaller and more insignificant until we feel hopeless and worthless. 


And we’ve all heard them. 

It’s hard to erase from memory. These phrases have helped form our behavior, opinions and confidence, our personality and responses. 

Most likely, we all carry scars from “word wounds” that look a lot scarier than any stick or stone has ever left behind. Those scars just aren’t visible to the naked eye. 

One Sunday afternoon, my sister and I were supposed to be taking a nap...instead we were playing. 

**Warning: great object lesson on obedience just ahead!**

All the sudden, from across the room came a dress shoe flying through the air, which just happened to smack me right in the head. Yeah, my little sister’s shoe had left a gash in my head which required a trip to the ER and stitches. Left a scar, sure, but not nearly as bad as the deep scars left by words which left me feeling “less than”. 

Get the picture? Ok, I’ll leave you with that scenario. 

Today, I’m a freshly turned-47-year-old, who still bears scars left by careless words. They’re real.  

Today, as I read this verse it was like a lightbulb turned on. It was so impactful that I had to share: 

“... whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

I’ve read this verse many times BUT TODAY...

As I thought about careless, negative words,  I recall the concept of forming new thought patterns. What a revelation! We need to speak God’s truth to ourselves instead of heeding and living the lies which have left behind scars. If we’re brave enough to admit it, we’ve thought about those hurtful words many times. In fact, until they have defined us!

The antidote for this poison we’ve consumed over and over is to think on the things God says about us. 

We are wonderfully made! 
We are children of the King!
We have a purpose!
We are more than conquerors!
We can do all things through Christ!
We are unconditionally loved!
 We are cared for. 
He is faithful to finish the work He has begun within us. 

I could go on and on but I hope you get the point like I did. 

These words are TRUE. 
These words are HONEST. 
These words are PURE. 
These words are LOVELY. 

Got it, friend? The words God has spoken over us are those things we need to think about over and over again in order to combat the lies we’ve heard for so long. We can start a revolution!

We are more than what others say about us. We are more than what others think of us. We are more than the mish-mash of other’s opinions of us. We are more than what we’ve been made to believe we are. More than what we’ve heard.

 Maybe we should’ve figured this out sooner. Maybe we should have been taught this as a child. Right?! (Share this truth with your children so they can start off right. What a difference it would make for them!) We, as adults, can make up for lost time in our own lives. 

Are we finding ourselves standing on that proverbial playground again, only as adults? Maybe it’s time we take a stand and shout it out for the whole world to hear: 

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but God’s words always empower me!”

What am I saying? 

Won’t you join me? We’ll be stronger, braver, and more courageous than we ever dared believe before. Things will begin to shift! It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. You will thank yourself, and God, for choosing this way. 

Be encouraged and empowered today. 

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, BUT...”


  1. Hurtful words can be so hard to overcome. I love that you point out that God speaks words of life and healing over us!


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