Life After a Trash Can

“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” I Peter 5:7

Sometimes the heart is battered and bleeding, banging around like an empty trash can rolling down the road. (That’s what happened to Sesame Street’s Grouch, I’d say!) These moments can leave you weary and not feeling very victorious...the exact opposite is true. Like our green, furry guy, Grouch, it can lead way to a very dark and not-so-pretty place. (Picture it: an old, beat-up metal trash can.)

Ask me how I know? I’ve been there. No, I’m not proud of it in the least bit; but I’m human. (A human who can relate to a kid’s muppet story character.) I can now relate so much more to some of David’s emotional psalms. Life can do that to you! You understand where I’m coming from? Have you found yourself in a dark place before?

There are so many scenarios to choose from in this story book of life and I’m blushing a bit to admit that multiple episodes of these items stacked upon each other in my life and you may just notice those little furry wisps of green hair starting to sprout from my skin. What, you too?

Grief is a season that’s difficult all on its own but when you add multiple griefs simultaneously, it can get quite sticky. Sprinkle that with a generous helping of every day life that continues on and a topping of imperfect human love, and sometimes all that’s left is a melted heap of sticky gunk which seems to glue the banged-up lid on tightly. Things can just seem so “wrong” in every area of life. (Insert a Grouch groan here!) Yes, this is characteristic of the sinful world we live in. We’ve not yet been changed into our glorified status. 

There’s a good thing about being at our wits end at the bottom of the can though: There’s no where else to go but up and God is always there when we call. That’s all we can do from the bottom! The only answer and best plan of attack. 

“... In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice...” Psalms 18:6

I’ve laid in my prayer spot recently,  truly releasing every bit of hurt, anger, grief, questions, doubts and disappointments. Unpacking all the lies the enemy has sent my way during my down moment. He’s such a coward attacking at such times! Distractions. Tears and mounds of tissue litter the floor around me. I thought of that blessed trash can. I imagine I’ve pretty much left no room in the can for our furry puppet friend at this point. 

I’m so glad I’m not a puppet that’s assigned to live my life in a trash can. I’m a beloved child of God!

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust...” Psalms 91:4

Circumstances in this life can appear pretty dreary and hopeless, but when we begin to give it all to our Father, He faithfully renews our mind. It isn’t a quick fix always. It’s a process, a determined, focused walk. He began and is faithful to FINISH the work He started and designed for me. 

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Psalms 121:1

No, I’m not claiming to have it all together yet; but I know where my help comes from and that I can always trust Him to come at my faintest cry. That’s what I want to impart to your weary soul too! He even makes house calls to curb-side trash cans occupied by humans disguised as furry, green creatures. Call out to Him today; He’s listening for your weary cry (or groan!). 

“The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.”Psalms 34:17
