The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

So they say. Ever begin to wonder though, why the holidays sometime seem to be so full of those things we’d rather not deal with?

Sure, there are happy moments splashed about here and there. What things make you happiest in this season? Think about it for a moment before you continue reading...

Did you choose giving gifts or caroling? Decorating or shopping for that special someone? There are many things which bring happiness. 

But what brings joy?

Many of us are faced with a dose of “dreadful” as the holidays approach. There are empty seats around the table which feed the unwelcome sense of loss and unshakable grief.  Unexpected events take place and funds reserved for the season must be used to replace a dead car battery, purchase prescriptions for a sick family member or pay for the repairs of something totally unexpected. Life happens even when we’re not planning for it. The holiday season can be stunned by such happenings. 

But what is the season truly about anyhow?

We buy for each other, treat friends and family to something a bit extra special, we even reach out to bless a stranger we may meet along the way. This is the season for giving, right? Good cheer. Love. Joy. Hope. Peace. 

So, what happens when we’re having difficulty finding all that? That’s what I was thinking earlier today. Why does it seem so many “bad” things are happening in this supposed joyously, blessed time of the year. Where is the wonder?

Then it came to me:

Just maybe, God shines the brightest during this show us Him in the truest ways. 

Those closing papers which appear to be held up for unknown reasons? A chance for God to show His sovereignty. 

The sick family member dealing with health issues at home,  lying in a hospital bed or recovering in a rehabilitation facility? A chance for God to show His healing power. 

The vehicle which breaks down on the side of the highway and must be towed? The repairs we weren’t expecting? The empty pantry or refrigerator? A chance for God to show His ability to provide when it looks impossible. 

A wayward child, deceased loved one or the inability to conceive a child. A chance for God to show His grace which is always sufficient. 

Or maybe it’s a decorated tree and stockings hanging in the home, ready to be filled, yet inadequate funds to fill them. Maybe it’s simply not being able to give because there’s nothing with which to buy. A chance for God to show His faithfulness by fulfilling those desires in the most unexpected ways. 

Yes, perhaps those unwanted happenings and such are sent our way to draw us back to Him. Even our Savior’s birth, which blessed us with this season, was not void of troubling situations and happenings. Remember? There was no room in the inn. There was pain in the birthing. There were unhealthy atmospheres and the desire of evil men to kill the Holy child. 

Yet, still He came! Angels lit up the sky with light and song. Shepherds gathered in awe and devotion. Great kings from afar came to adore Him. In spite of all the opposition, there was celebration. 

What does this mean for us? I’m so glad you asked!

In the middle of any opposition and unwelcome situations we may face during this season, perhaps God is allowing “it” simply to bless us with something more substantial and lasting to hold on to. HIMSELF!

There’s something about coming through hard seasons with testimonies of God proving Himself on our behalf. It’s during our deepest struggles that we see Him in the truest ways and are most thankful for His character. 

Peace. Joy. Love. Hope. All priceless gifts which have been bestowed upon us; but it sometimes takes the dark places and trials for them to shine the brightest. Sometimes our attention must be enlightened. Like a simple candle shining brightly in the night, God shows up and brings these  lovely gifts to light, even in the darkest nights. 

That’s why He provide a better way. This is what Christmas is all about!

Celebrate the reason for the season and hold onto the promise of a babe born in a lowly manger. Unto us a child is born, a son is given...Emmanuel, God with us. We aren’t alone in our situations of suffering. 

The good news... 

We can give the best of gifts this season, in spite of dreadful situations or financial crisis or in addition to having all the things necessary for our “perfect” celebration. The best gifts are free, provided to us by the King of Kings. Love completely, give unreservedly, and remind those who are suffering that better days are coming...brought to us by our Savior, Christ the Lord. This is pure joy! Peace. Hope. 

It truly is the most wonderful time of the year, my friend! Pass it on...
