Mirror, Mirror...

If you’re a female, definitely from the age of four or five, maybe even earlier since even babies are curious human beings too, you’ll find that we’re all interested in our reflections. 

Ever watched a baby stare into a mirror trying to figure out who’s staring back at them? What about an impressive little girl looking into the looking glass to see if she’s magically turned into that princess her Daddy keeps telling her she is yet?

Travel ahead several more years and that same girl is looking into the bathroom mirror into the face of someone she doesn’t quite recognize any more. And, where did all those unsightly zits come from anyhow? (If you’re a female, you’re probably identifying right now.) Oh, the thoughts that bounce around in the mind as she wonders what her friends, or maybe a boyfriend, is going to think about the re-creation of Mt. Everest in the middle of her forehead. Will they say something or extend grace and not comment this time? *Fingers crossed!

Fast forward ahead a good many years as she looks into the face of a middle-aged, not-so-young-anymore, gray-streaked hair, slightly more plump individual with laugh lines...where did all that come from? Life surely hadn’t been that comical, had it?

Onward to the final leg of life as the frail, shrinking lady stands before her reflection and wonders how much longer she has in this old world. Does she see a masterpiece in the making or just the shell of who she used to be?

“...but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.” 2 Cor. 4:16

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall...”

Yes, mirrors can tell us a lot about ourselves, can’t they? We may love that person in the reflection or hate them. No matter what though, we are so much more than what’s staring back at us in the looking glass. 

We know without doubt that each of us have sinned and fallen short at one time or another, however the Bible (God) challenges us multiple times to “be ye holy for I am holy.”

My friend, the truth of the matter is: the person looking back at you in that mirror only needs reflect the Creator. The King of King’s!

When brushing my teeth, I stand in front of a mirror and can see well enough to complete the task at hand; however, if I need to pull out a stray hair I may pull out my 10x magnification mirror. You know, the ones in which we can see our pores like giant holes on a desert floor! The closer I get to the mirror, the more it’s magnified, the clearer I can see. 

Think about it: Doesn’t it make sense that the closer we get to the mirror the more we should see His reflection in us? The closer we get TO God, the deeper our relationship with Him, the more He increases and we decrease and the more we magnify His image. 

We ARE royalty! 

Daddy was right even if he didn’t know it. Ladies, we are each princesses if we’re looking into the right mirror and see our King’s reflection staring back at us.

How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t know how I got here...I never planned on it...never had the intention to stray so far...” - it’s because we can get too far from the mirror of our soul. The further we move from His image and purpose for our lives, the dimmer and more abstract the reflection in the mirror becomes. We won’t even recognize ourselves. 

This holiday season, let’s give the most significant gift that can be given. It’s His birthday we celebrate after all! Let’s give Him the gift He wants most - a wholly consecrated and dedicated Princess who desires to please Him and reflect Him as purely and clearly as possible. Let’s sit in our chairs each day and gaze into an antique, gilded, “royal” mirror and keep asking ourselves who is there?

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall...who do I reflect best of all?”

Get closer to the mirror, lean in, and reflect Jesus!
