Lift Your Head, Help Is Here

Yes, I write. Yes, I attempt to point us all toward our Help. Yes, I can say  I’ve experienced both ends of the spectrum - from the grandest, most glorious day to the darkest, loneliest season of life - and all the in-between points too.  I share with you the things I’ve learned or been inspired with here on my blog, yet..

I know some things more with my mind than my heart. On some days I have to be reminded more than others to turn my eyes toward the hills where my Help comes from. I have to read again the things I’ve written here on this page (and in the Word) and apply them - over and over again. Like I’ve said many times on this blog, I don’t have it all together and am still being transformed daily. I require daily doses of grace and mercy too. Sometimes by the double or triple dosages!

On days when I feel overwhelmed and discouraged, my head usually hangs low and I feel dejected and want to hide. Mostly, I feel like a burden to my people’s s maybe even far from the Lord. What, you too? Are you shaking your head in agreement or breathing a silent “Yes!” from deep within your heart? Pride sometimes keeps us from being real about what we’re feeling inside. Who wants to appear weak, depressed, or defeated anyhow? 

I dare say we none want to appear like so, and we surely don’t want to experience the reality of it all. The truth though, is that we probably all get to that point occasionally. Nobody is “up” all the time; we all experience a gamut of emotions over time or even in a single day. 

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.”  Psalm 121

I whispered a silent, heart-felt prayer today while driving in a downpour of  rain. “Lord, help me!”  The “rain” was falling inside my vehicle too - from my eyes. I felt empty and alone. 

I think the writer of this Psalm was most likely also anxious and troubled in his heart when this verse was penned. He needed help too!

Often we see the people in the Bible as invincible and having some kind of special consideration or super-power. They’re heroes in God’s book after all! Wasn’t David a man after God’s own heart? Abraham was a friend of God. Peter held the keys to the Kingdom. Stephen was stoned for His staunch faith. They weren’t super Christians though, they were normal people just like you and I. They loved God, attempted to live right, and be consistently committed while living life.  Isn’t that what we do? 

There are moments in our lives when we can become intensely troubled. It can be any number of things; we all have a cross to bear. If we were all sitting in a room together, we could probably swap all kinds of stories about moments and situations when we were desperate for God to swoop in on the scene and deliver us. 

There, in the middle of the pouring rain, I melted into a messy, humbly-desperate lump of humanity. I recited this verse in Psalms as I slowly lifted my tear-filled eyes to the heavens. 

I needed someone strong enough to create this universe to fight for me. I needed someone with strong arms to hold me close. I needed my Help to make Himself visible and tangible inside of my day.  I needed to feel His love.  Yes, He alone must come to our rescue at times; He can’t send anyone but Himself. 

This is what Christmas was all about - Christ being born to be our Help once and for all. 

We don’t have to struggle alone.  We don’t have to hurt alone.  We don’t have to walk alone.  We don’t have to be troubled or anxious alone. 

Emmanuel, God WITH us!

No, there was no spectacular explosion or instant answer to fix my meltdown; but He heard my plea and was present in the moment. Of this I am sure! He hears the cry of His children. Every time. My confidence is that He is faithful to answer. If He doesn’t answer immediately, He will hold me close and prop me up until the appropriate time for the answer to come. 

So, once again I share a moment in my life and point myself to my Help. My perspective can get so clouded by the many distractions and hurtful situations I face in this life. You too? We must remind ourselves, and each other,  of our true reality: No matter what it looks like, He is able. No matter how lonely it feels, He is there. No matter how scary it may seem, He knows our fear and pain. No matter how many tears we shed, He catches each one. No matter the severity, He is our Help. 

That, my friend, makes all the difference in the world. There is hope! Lift your head and be encouraged. Hold on in spite of today; tomorrow is just ahead and help is on the way. 
