Questions In the Darkness

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

“Why this way?”, we ask, “Couldn’t it happen in another way?”

“ALL things work together for good” is hard to see on the darkest nights or days when all hope and dreams seem dashed.  We ask ourselves, “How is this situation going to work together for good?” All we can see is disappointment and sadness presently; we cannot see the full picture during moments of pain and suffering. Where Is the good? Where is the beauty? These are logical questions asked by the sincerest of hearts from time to time. 

We reason: I love God. I’m doing my best to walk upright and according to His purpose for my life, yet here I am. Don’t you imagine God gets these questions quite often? What am I doing wrong? Why did this trial come upon me? Why here? Why now? Why me?

I find solace and comfort in knowing that even Jesus asked “Why?” while He was going through His darkest moment on this earth. We none desire or take pleasure in pain and seasons of darkness. Yet, Jesus had to endure, and so must we. 

Sometimes we just have to walk a ways off, down the path, from the actual moment and situation to get the right perspective and see the bigger picture of how God is there, holding us close, directing the situations - and giving exactly what we need to make it in each moment. Doesn’t mean it won’t be painful, but it’s always for a purpose. 

Even in the darkest moments, God is busy at work; even when we cannot see Him. While He’s holding us close and consoling is, He is working our situations together for good. He takes every single situation and does something through it for our betterment. 

He makes us stronger, more sympathetic, or more determined. He teaches us patience, perseverance, or long suffering.  He grows our roots deeper, changes our perspectives or deepens our trust in Him. He teaches us His will is the best place to be and that our pain and hurt is never wasted.  He’ll never leave us like we were, but is devoted to making us better than before. 

True, it’s hard to see when we’re in the middle of it, but as He gently leads us through each valley and restores our soul, we begin to see more clearly. Most of all, we experience His sweet presence and realize all the moments along the way when we were too weak and He was carried us. 

If we truly take inventory after a valley season, we’ll definitely find there are good things which have been produced along the way. He is faithful like that, always pruning and growing us into our purpose, for His glory. 

This verse is true, it just takes us some time to realize it and for it to come to pass. He is faithful to His promises and Word though, in this we can always have confidence. Are you weary and tired today? It’s alright to ask questions, my friend. Hang in there and know He is with you in every circumstance. He will never leave or forsake us. 

He really does make beauty from ashes, and ALL things beautiful, in His perfect time. 

Rest in this truth. 
