Four Steps to Abundant Living

Psalms 23...

You too, can most likely quote this well-known passage.  However, it seems ever so often, when I read it, something new stands out to me. Such as recently.  Stay with me a few minutes if you will, maybe it’s something you’ve not seen before too. 

“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” 

That right there pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell. That’s one powerful sentence, my friend. You and I, in our weak, sinful flesh have a God who is vested in tending, feeding and guarding His sheep. We are truly blessed. I’m learning, as of late, that if we simply take Him at His Word our lives are so much more abundant - which is exactly how He desires we live this life. Abundantly.  We shall not want!

In His goodness, He has four steps aligned to lead us to His best for our lives.  Right here in the twenty-third Psalm. 

First, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.” He knows what’s best for us when we become frustrated or frantic with the stressors of life. He has no problem stopping us in our tracks and does whatever He must to make sure we cease striving and rest. He knows sometimes rest is exactly what we need when we’ve been busy doing all the things. 

Secondly, “He leadeth me beside the still waters.” After He has our attention and we’ve begun to gain strength and sustenance during this time of rest in the pasture, He rouses us toward the refreshing, still waters. He walks along with us for He is faithful and dependable and we can’t defend ourselves.  He begins to stir within us the good things which have begun to die. These waters quench our thirst, bring life and satisfy our soul like nothing else. Remember, He’s committed to provide all we need for this journey. 

Next, “He restoreth my soul”; as we go along we gain new strength and momentum because He is restoring again to us those things life has stolen or those things we’ve given up because of misplaced priorities. How many times did the Lord have to get the children of Israel’s attention along the way? We too are His children, and He delights to restore our strength, perspectives, our joy, hope and purpose. 

Finally, “He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His namesake.” God has a reputation to maintain! Once we’re walking again, God sets out to have us bring Him glory. What an honor! We never walk this road alone, He is always ahead of us and knows what we’ll encounter along the path before we do.  He leads the way, if we’ll but follow Him, we’ll always be exactly where we’re supposed to be - in His will. He cannot fail, cannot lie, He is perfect and never fails or makes mistakes - and He fights for us. Remember the Shepherd’s rod and staff??? (That’s another topic for another time.)

I’m sure I could go on and on, but these are the main points I want to leave with you today. We’re human, we are sinners saved by grace, we mess up and find ourselves in undesirable seasons of life. Or maybe God simply has us in a pruning season and we need an overhaul. Remember, God uses four steps for our recovery:
       1. He makes us be still -stop. 
       2. He begins to refresh us by stirring up gifts and desires which have died. 
       3. He restores the important things we’ve lost along the way. 
       4. He leads us and allows us to     bring Him glory.  Even in our weakness!

What a wonderful Shepherd we are blessed to have. Wouldn’t you agree? A good Shepherd always goes after the lost or missing sheep no matter how much effort it takes. God is vested in His little sheep,  living abundantly even in this world - and also into eternity. 

Let us not be disheartened when we find ourselves flat on our backs in His green pasture. Though we’re down, we’re not out, we’re in the perfect position to begin these four steps. With God in charge of our lives, we can get back to what we desire and our purpose for living - our lives glorifying Him. 

Are you seeing yourself in one of these steps today? Be encouraged with this Psalm and the promises of God. 
