A Tribute to My Papaw

As I sit here typing this post out, I still find it hard to believe that my Papaw, Robert McCloud, has left this world for a better life. After all, it’s only been six weeks since Mamaw suddenly passed without much warning. I’m thankful they’ll celebrate Jesus together and look down upon us and cheer us onward. Heaven, don’t we all want to go there one day? Our final goal!

There are too many memories to list, Papaw was a gentleman, a sweetheart. He loved to eat. He loved Jesus. What a fine example of a Christian. Soft-spoken, always willing to help anyone no matter what that meant, and always, always that sweet smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. He lived life like it should be lived.

He had diabetes and dementia. His “thing” was taking shots. In the last couple years, he walked around acting like he was taking a shot. When we’d talk, I’d ask him how he was doing and he’d always tell me about his day then add, “Yeah, I’ll just take a shot and go on.” My husband and I have used that phrase more in the last year than you could even imagine because there’s so much truth to it.

Papaw, thanks for teaching me life’s greatest lesson, no matter what happens in my day, what I come up against or how it feels, I just need to take a shot and go on. Oh, how I’ve needed to learn that. If you leave me anything, you’ve left me that mantra to live by. My “shot” has become praise and worship because sometimes life seems overwhelmingly difficult and throws you curve balls that smack you right in the face. So, I’m learning to take a “moment to praise”, cry if need be, then move on. I hope I can get it down as second-nature as you made it feel. Take a shot and go on!

Can’t believe you’re gone from this life, but know you’ll always be in my heart. Oh, and I believe we’ll be seeing you sooner than later. I can’t imagine God withholding His coming much longer. Go rest high, you’ve made it. Give Mamaw and Steffan a hug for me...until later.

I love you - one more time again...and I’ll just believe you’re responding even today, “I know you do.” Thank you for your example and for giving me my Daddy...and for all the candy bars and Wrigleys Spearmint gum we’ve shared. Sweet, precious memories which I’ll forever treasure.
