As the Leaf Falls

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

I watch the leaves slowly drifting to the ground. I love this time of year. What a beautiful display our Creator puts on for us during autumn. Vibrant reds, mellowed yellows, and joyous oranges too...such brilliant hues brighten up our days. Everyone cheers when fall rolls around. Pumpkin spice is all the rage, hay rides, fire pits, S'mores and candy apples. Delightful to the senses and a much needed break from the weariness of summer time. I too get excited.

This year will be quite different for a lot of us. We'll enter this season with hesitation. You see, I saw one of those beautiful golden-yellow leaves falling to the ground the other day. I was instantly awed and excited. Like I said, I love this time of year. My favorite! Then reality slapped me in the face and I remembered...the leaf is falling because things are dying. I know this season is all too real for me right now.

I admit I wasn't quite prepared for that thought at that particular moment and a tear came to my eye. This happens at the strangest times and places nowadays. (I'm learning to work through that better, with God's help.) I thought of the fresh loss in our lives. We are entering a new season along with everyone else, yet ours will be a bit different and we'll probably not be quite as cheerful around the fire pit or eating pumpkin pie this year. Death and tragedy has touched our lives deeply. Maybe your life has been affected by something similar too. We'll have to wade through many "firsts" this season.

I won't list them all today; I'm trying not to go there before I have to. The truth is though, there are a lot of hurting people in our world today. People who have felt the pangs of loss, tragedy, set back, disappointment, shattered dreams and heartache. We're none exempt. We all can probably find some kind of "leaf" in our lives...drifting downward.

I find it amazing how God can make this time of year beautiful in spite of things dying or coming to an end.  I've determined to believe the same is true in my life - no matter what it may look or feel like presently. I hope you will try it too! The truth may be ugly, and even seem unbearable a times; but, out of death springs life. If we can pause long enough to recognize it and look through His lenses we'll see it. It's easy to get side-tracked and lose sight of God's sovereignty. (I know this all to well too.) Of course, it's a trap but it's easy to fall into at times.

Thank goodness for those precious people that speak into my life, reminding me that through every dark storm, God has a plan. (I hope I can speak this into your life right now as you're reading this post.) I might have a hard time catching that glimpse right this second. I might have to be reminded again and again; however, that doesn't change the fact that my God makes all things beautiful. I know this to be true. It is etched upon my heart! He has never failed me and won't start now - He's got the same track record for you too. Sure, the leaves fall and fade away...but springtime will come yet again - and with it, LIFE.

I want to go find that leaf and preserve it between the pages of a book, so I can come back to it at another season and testify to it. "I made it!" Sure, it might not be an easy season and I might not come through without a few scars, but I WILL come through. You can make it too! It might not look like the dream we had anticipated, but God is still in charge. We might all be living a "new normal"; but whatever we go through today can be a phase of growth if we'll allow God to do that within us without us giving up or becoming bitter. That in itself is life.

For me, there is life because my son is in a better place, because my precious grand-hearts can grow up hearing how much their Daddy and "Steps" loved them, that one day we'll see Steffan again, and last but definitely not least, souls have been touched for the good in spite of the tragedy. LIFE.

"Life" takes on a little different look sometimes. Yes, sometimes life can look like a beautiful, yellow leaf falling to the ground after all. Even through ugliness and deep pain, it's there. What does life look like in your situation? Can you see it yet? If not, keep searching and I pray you find it soon. 

Just as the leaves begin to fall in this season, while we're yet experiencing the pangs of loss and shattered dreams, behold He is "doing a new thing." It is indeed well with my soul and I pray you find that peace too. Even during this season there is sweet peace and deep, undeniable beauty. I can be reminded of this promise of hope I cling to...even as the leaf falls.
