If you have read any of my posts since September 27th, then you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm in a very dark season of life. Tears. Loss Pain. Sorrow. These are the contents in my cup right now. And I'm learning to be alright and even thankful in this season; not because I'm drinking from this cup but because of Who is drinking it with me and where I'm drinking it at.
You see, the One who shares this cuppa with me has already tasted and asked for His own cup to be taken away. The Bible tells us He was a man of sorrow, familiar with suffering. (Isaiah 53:3) Gracious to His children, He doesn't ask us to drink from a cup He hasn't already tasted, which is why He is so touched by the feeling of our infirmities, and He gently comforts those who mourn. He's been there, done that, and has the proverbial T-shirt to prove it.
I've attempted to read all the verses and recite to myself all the applicable verses that I've felt go with this season of life. You know, like He shall dry every tear from my eye; it's kind of like a Pumpkin Spice Latte in autumn. It's what you expect to taste when you tip the cup to your lips; but sometimes not quite what you expected at all. Ever so often, the barista might get your order wrong and you'll find yourself with a bitter cup you didn't quite expect. I'm not saying the Lord ever gets it wrong, I'm just saying life happens and it rains on the just and unjust.
I've learned it's not about enjoying the cup you've been handed, for there is a time for every thing; it's about being real in the moment and sharing that cup completely- even with millions of salty tears and an extra pump (or ten) of desperate hope. During this season, I may "know" all the right verses to apply but He doesn't expect me to do anything else but keep them in the back of my mind and just be present in this season. (And, a word of warning, in advance, those people quoting verses as such mean well. Try to extend grace.) I can't skip this season, just like I can't will winter to give its place to spring. "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted", we can't trade the ugly parts for something more tasty. Grief is a process and I must go through this entire season, even though I'd rather blink my eyes and be into the next season.
I was delightfully surprised with this beautiful cup from a dear friend the other day, but I've yet to drink from it. Hello!!! What's wrong with me?! (Beside the obvious!) You see, it's ultimately my choice. I can just look at it and simply enjoy it that way; or I can tip it up and drink of its warm, delicious contents. When I do the latter, each time I will be sharing that cuppa with my friend. I will never be able to drink from that cup alone!
That's what the Lord desires that we do with the cup of sorrow and grief which He allows to be placed in our lives. He doesn't expect us to just look at them or know they're there. He wants to share every drop with us. There is a time to mourn, there is a time to weep, blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted, the Lord is close to the broken-hearted...we don't have to be Christians of Steel during our season of grief. He longs to hold us tightly, like the little, weak children we are, and for us to know the full scope of being there, and to be OK with being nestled safely in His loving arms, finding hope in the midst of our worst pain or nightmare.
Seasons like these make ever so real to me the compassion and gentleness of my Father. I'm so much harder on myself than He is! He doesn't stand there telling me to pull myself together or the "shake it off"; He doesn't expect me to be all that and a bag of chips. He doesn't expect me to be perfect either. He knows exactly where I am. He weeps with me. He feels the pain of loss with me. He knows that I'll come through this season because He loves me and I love Him...and He's content and willing to sit with me as I drink this cup...one tiny sip at a time. He knows I'm not able to gulp it down quickly, He is patient. No, He never pushes me to move on, looking down on my broken heart with disgust or my tears with shame because I'm not a stronger representation of Him; He's a perfect Father who feels my sorrow and sits at this table hiding me safely and securely under the shadow of His wing.
Remember this when you find yourself in a dreadful season of life, when you feel like "looking on" or sticking your head in the sand rather than partaking from the cup in front of you. It might not be the cup your expecting but, like my pastor says so often these days, "You can choose to do it with Him, or without Him" - I'd never want to do this alone...you won't either. Being strong in the Lord doesn't mean doing the hard parts of life without getting wounds and scars, it simply means resting in Him while He carries and mends the broken places for you.
There's a Perfect Place to drink every cuppa -
"Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trustees in thee: yea, in the shadow of the wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. Psalms 57:1
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