Wadded-Up Life Moments

As I was writing about buttons earlier this week, I started thinking about how unique each of us are. We're all differently unique in personality, preferences, characteristics and such. Yet, we're all made in God's image. Yes, we're fearfully and wonderfully made.  Each of us are tiny representations of our Father, one of His masterpieces. 

You, my friend, are a masterpiece. I am a masterpiece. That doesn't mean we have to be perfect. We're each under construction. What it does mean though is that we are a reflection of God, we're His idea, we've been made and purchased by Him, and He is in the process of writing our stories.

You don't have to visit here too many times to realize that I am simply a mess some days. Although I write to encourage and pray that at least one soul will read what I've written and be blessed by it, there are some days when I must go back and read the things I've shared. Simply because I need to hear it again! 

I make mistakes on a regular basis. On any given day, you might find my wastebasket filled with wadded-up paper. Undeniable proof that I've messed up and had to start all over again. In fact, for every post that is published to this blog, there are probably many, many corrections and discarded thoughts and words that are left behind.  Those wadded-up paper moments are part of my life story.

There are days when I wish I could wad up the page from yesterday and trash it. You too? Aren't you glad the Lord is the Author of our lives and can write us in and out of any situation? He writes every letter, every word, every sentence. Every page. Every chapter. The thing that's different, one of the many things between me and Him, is that He never has to wad a page up because He's made a mistake. He's the only One I know that doesn't need an eraser, white-out, correction tape or a blessed delete button. 

So, if you are in a "wad-it-up-&-throw-it-away" season of life, when things just don't seem to be adding up, rest in knowing that He is writing your story and if you'll just stick with Him and not throw in the towel, you'll end up with a beautiful story. He's in the business of creating Masterpieces. He can do that with any story! He just has a divine knack for doing so. 

When we hand God the pen, there are never any wasted pages, chapters or "wadded-up" life moments. He never makes a mistake, my friend. Won't you trust Him with your story today?
