Hide Me Till It's Over

"Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: 
yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, 
until these calamities be overpast."  Psalms 57:1

I recall the comment in the Bible, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." I think about how many times I've muttered that same phrase in the middle of the messy days of life. You know, things can get topsy-turvy quite quickly. 

I was reading in my favorite book of the Bible, which happens to be Psalms just in case you aren't aware. I read this verse (the one at the beginning of this post) and I suddenly laughed out loud. 

Be merciful, God! How many times have I cried out to God during ugly, uncertain times in my life. It's almost like we're pleading with God to deliver us, and take all the scary moments and monsters out of our lives. You know, the monsters under the bed...as well as the ones screaming loudly in our heads. 

Next portion: 
Lord, I trust in you! OK, we're all quick to say that one. Most of the time we believe that to be true too and we give it our best shot to be brave and "trust" God through it all. Please understand, I'm not making light of our attempts. We all grow in our trust levels at different speeds just as toddlers learning to walk. I can just imagine how silly my feeble attempts must appear as I try to convince God that I know He's got it all and I have no fear or doubt. Yeah, I find it's easier said than done at times, what about your experience? "I trust you, Lord," I whisper...as I hold my breath and wait for a miracle to happen.

Continuing on...
Now, hide me until all this is over and I can deal with it all! (That's where I laughed out loud.) Isn't that just like us ladies? Isn't that how we view those difficult seasons?!

Help me Lord, I trust  you. 
Now, just hide me until it's all over!!!

Of course, I know that's my version, Steff's Living Version, and maybe that isn't quite how the psalmist was feeling it when He penned it, but that's how it popped into my mind anyhow. Yeah, the good Lord made me with quite a sense of humor...nevertheless.

Isn't it just like our loving God to be patient and allow us to trust Him at whatever level we might find ourselves in our walk with Him? He allows us to call out to Daddy for help! He knows how frightening it can be at times and He doesn't look down  upon us because we're frightened. Quite the contrary!

We know He can do anything; nothing is impossible with Him.  He doesn't stop there though...as we give it our best attempt to do what He's asked of us, to trust in Him, He always goes one step further. He is so strong...yet so very gentle. He will willingly and lovingly tuck us safely under His wing "until". He protects us and allows us to feel Him near....because He's a good Father. I don't know about you, but there's just some days when I just need Him to hold me extra close. What about you? 

So, if you're in one of those "hide me till it's over" moments...just stay put. You're not alone, I'm there too and so are others. Let's join together and do what we know to do...abide in Him...and one day it WILL be over. We might not always see the way clearly, but we can simply choose to trust at our level. Until then, let's rest in knowing He is our refuge. And...He allows us to gather together, to hide out, and encourage each other until "this too" shall pass. It will! How do I know? Because, He is merciful.

Be blessed~
