God Showed Up Today in a Chat #write31days

God showed up in my day thru...

a chat!

God is so awesome...always and continually showing up in the most surprising ways. This challenge has turned into quite an ordeal for me. It's made me tune in and look for God in ways I don't usually. So, I'd say this 31 days will be a new beginning for me...I pray I never stop looking for God like I have begun this month.

I had the privilege to sit and chat with a dear lady this morning after a time of prayer. It's so refreshing to sit and talk about the things of God, don't you think? I could have sat there for hours! Sharing your story and testimonies with another - as well as listening to theirs - is a for-sure way to guarantee a successful, refreshing conversation...for all parties involved. An added bonus, this type of conversation uplifts and brings glory to the Lord.

So, I thank the Lord for showing up in a chat today, for allowing me to experience Him at work in my life and the lives of others, and for the opportunity to share it all. Maybe we should make a greater effort to gather together more often and share. It builds our faith (not to mention our relationships), makes us excited about what the Lord is doing in our lives and the lives of those we share with, and ultimately, we give the enemy a black-eye every time we speak out for the Lord.

It's your turn..give it a try tomorrow, if you dare, and see how it works out for you! It's worth it!
