That's why, during the Clear As Mud days, we have to have a pre-determined plan: to stand. (Eph. 6:3) We can't wait until we're in the middle of a dilemma to decide which path we're going to take; the course and goal must already be set in our minds. We must have a made up mind not to quit no matter what comes our way; yes, we will keep running toward the finish line even with muddy running shoes. With that mindset we'll always come out with sunshine and roses. II Timothy 4:7, " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:" should be our life goal.
God is on our side, he allows the rain and muddy puddles as well as bright sunshine and beautiful roses. He is cheering us on each day, but we must do our part: having a made up mind. Only we can control our actions and make choices to walk in the right direction...let's do so wisely.
So, remember the "bright sunshine and beautiful roses" days are just around the corner. He has promised that "this" won't last always. He has wonderful plans for our lives. Hang in there! Oh, right now, no matter what kind of day we're having, let's all grab our most precious vessel; it'll need to be ready to display those beautiful roses for all the world to see. We'll need it soon enough. We all have a purpose and can make it...through mud puddles and on to glorious sunshine.
Yes, I most certainly can relate! Good words! :)