Another year of life has passed for me...and today I turn another year older. What better thing to share today than the fantastic fact that God gives us a special gift EVERY day. Before you help me blow out all those candles on this birthday cake, let's pause to remember that God gives us the gift of "life" each day for a reason. When we wake up and put our feet on the floor each day, we have a choice to touch a life with God's love. Besides loving God, this is the only major purpose of us waking up - to touch a life, to show and share God's love with another. Each of us have our own unique way of making a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with. No one else can touch that certain person like we can. Are we willing to take on that responsibility? Before we take a bite into that delicious piece of cake, take my hand and let's make a pact to reach out and make a difference in someone's life today...and every day hereafter. Let's allow God to have free reign in our hearts and lives. There's no telling what he can do through us if we'll be sensitive and available.
Now, enjoy that tasty bite. Then let's bow our heads in prayer and thank God for this priceless gift he's given. Let's ask him to order our steps and help us recognize every opportunity he presents throughout our day. Can you imagine me not opening one of the special gifts given to me on this special day? What a waste! No, I'll open every one with thanksgiving and excitement! Let's all grab our God-given gift and open them together right now...go out and make a difference in someone's life today. Remember, it doesn't have to be something monumental...little things often mean the most. Let's spread the love of God today...and every day. Happy Birthday to me...thanks for sharing this moment with me.
good words - and happy birthday - may God bring you joy as he leads you into another year! God bless