How Great Thou Art

This week, my hubby took me on a surprise excursion. What fun! The road led us past corn fields, grassy meadows and into the foot of the mountains. I love nature. I am amazed at the creativity of my God and sometimes wonder how exciting it might have been to be there in the beginning when He spoke it all into existence.

Standing across the way, I took it all in from a viewing deck. I stood speechless at the awesomeness of another one of God's creations we'd just discovered. Little River Falls. 

The falls roared so loudly...I thought about the strength of the waters cascading over the rocks. I thought about the tumbling of the current at the bottom of the falls where it all came crashing together. I noticed the quiet, softness of mist rising through the air as the warm, sun rays made it sparkle like bits of glitter scattered about here and there. 

I thought about the Lord. How He is the strongest force to be reckoned with - hands down. Almighty! I thought about how He is also such a compassionate shepherd. Gentle. 

We traveled up the mountain a bit more and stopped at one of the overlooks. The same falls but from a much different vantage point. I couldn't hear the roar or feel the cool mist but it's beauty was still undeniable and again I stood in awe. 

Standing there, taking it all in, I sent a whisper heaven-ward, "How great Thou art!" Nothing can match or even compare to the greatness of my Lord. Absolutely amazing! I can only imagine how David must have felt when he penned the words:

"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;"  Psalms 8:3

He is the Almighty. Yet, He created such intricate details for us to enjoy. It wasn't enough to give us a world to live in, He made sure we'd be awed by it. Isn't that just like my God! He went to the "nth" to show us, just a little bit clearer, of how much His heart passionately cares for us. 

"What is man, that thou art mindful of him?" Ps. 8:4

The same great, big, amazing God that created this masterpiece I was enjoying created you and I. Us! Weak, frail, limited human beings. We're sinful, we doubt and question His ways far too often. Yet, He thinks of us constantly and loves us beyond our wildest imagination. And...wait for it...He desires relationship with us! 

This great, big, awesome God, wants you and I to remember we're the works of His hands too. He created this beautiful world, filled with sites like Little River Falls, for us to live in and enjoy, but He created us for His dwelling! What?! I cannot begin to fathom that!

Simply in awe today...the only reply and praise I have in my soul is this: I am so deeply humbled by the opportunity to be His dwelling place; my heart shouts loudly from the hills...Oh God, how very great Thou art!
