"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."
 Romans 8:37

More than a conqueror! That phrase has been ringing in my heart and mind for a few days now. What does it mean to be more than a conqueror? I mean, isn't winning the battle enough? Isn't the title belt of "conqueror" sufficient?

I'm sure it would be...but why quit there when you can add more to the equation? You know, kind of like degrees behind your name after two years, four years, eight years of college. You're immediately a college student upon completion of the enrollment process but there's more.

Becoming more. A conqueror has simply won the battle. Becoming "more than a conqueror" involves going through, enduring and coming out of the fight with more than a trophy and a belt. More in a spiritual sense includes walking away with increased faith, more strength and determination, and more love for God, etc. 

Joseph would have been considered more than a conqueror. He walked away from the battle with his integrity in tact, respect and the second highest position in the land just to name a few things. Job walked away from his struggle with renewed hope in the Lord, his latter being greater than his beginning. His life was enriched and his relationship with God was strengthened. There are many more examples of "more than's" in the Bible. Think about Queen Esther! It's not meant to just remain within the pages and the characters in the Bible though. 


Those trials we face day to day. We will come out labeled "victorious!" because the Lord is faithful to see us through. Yes, we've won the battle, alright. 

God has more for us than just a "W" in that column, ladies.

If we do it right - His way, we'll come out of our trials stronger, filled with greater faith, endowed with more joy, and God's list goes on and on. The Lord's desire is for us not to settle for only "victorious." His plan is for us to be more! It brings Him glory. 

So, now I'm looking for something extra during those times of trials and tribulation. I don't want to settle with being "just victorious"; sure that's good, but I want to be MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. The slogan, "Be all that you can the Army" comes to mind. I want to be ALL I CAN BE in this life when it comes to spiritual things! What about you? The God that sees us through, the One who loves us more than we could ever imagine, the Almighty who sets us up for more, can make it happen. 

Are you in a trial today? Maybe this will help you look at it a bit differently. Be encouraged. You're not alone. And please, join me and choose to come through labeled - MORE THAN! - His Word says we can be.
