If ________...God Is There

It doesn't matter if we wake up and can hardly find the strength and "want to" to pull ourselves out of bed and face the day...God is there.

If we wake up with a pep in our step, ready to conquer the world's and our own problems...God is there.

If we find ourselves in the pit of depression...God is there.

If we're bubbling over with joy on the inside...God is there. 

If we're slacking and need help getting focused again...God is there.

If we're faithful and doing all the right things we know to do...God is there.

If we find ourselves in a deep valley experience...God is there.

If we're shouting the victory on the mountain top...God is there.

If we find ourselves in financial woes and the way seems impossible...God is there.

If we're financially stable or even well off...God is there.

If we or a family member is facing an unfavorable health diagnosis...God is there.

If we're well in body and mind...God is there.

If we have children who are wayward...God is there.

If we have children who are shining in God's destiny for their lives...God is there.

If we have friends who have turned their back on us or if we're rejected...God is there.

If we have friends who are walking hand in hand with us...God is there.

IF...God doesn't let that word deter Him - and we shouldn't either.

The truth is, we can't escape our God. No matter where we're at, He can find us. He knows. He can reach us where we are! IF doesn't scare God away and it shouldn't cause us to worry or fear. God will always be there for His children...in every season of life. Tis so sweet to trust in Him. 

Let's take our IF and turn it into IS today. IF ______________, God IS there! Nothing can take Him by surprise. Nothing catches Him off guard. Nothing is stronger than He is. We can't run Him off because we've disappointed Him. Nothing and nobody can touch our lives like He can. Nobody can love us like He does!

Can I get a witness of someone who has found this to be true in their life? His promises are true and everlasting. IF...you can just believe...God is there. Be blessed today~
