Ornaments & Meltdowns

The countdown is on.... ___ days until Christmas!

Oh my, for those of us out here that like to have everything planned, in order and...well, perfect - this time of the year can be quite stressful. Can I get an "amen!" 

You know how those ornaments near the bottom of the tree become askew after the mischievous, family pet has embarked upon a discovery adventure? Doesn't that drive you nuts? That's the way my holiday season (heart) has been thus far. On Sunday, I might have everything in order, including my emotions. Then, Monday or Tuesday comes around and I might discover that, out of nowhere, the invisible, furry, animal has come in and wreaked havoc. Everything that little imp can reach will be left in disarray. Enter tears and meltdown moments. Then, with the help of my Counselor, I'll regroup and straighten up those ornaments again and start fresh. 

Goodness...sometimes I feel like I'm on a teeter-totter. Aren't you glad that we don't have to have it all together? I am! Even though I don't give myself the grace to be so at times. Lord, help me!

Isn't it a privilege to be a mess and it be OK?

I was spending time with the Lord this morning. As I poured my heart out to Him and told Him how hopeless I felt, how that every time I thought I was gaining ground, it seems like I backtrack and I wonder if I ever really gained any ground in the first place...I suddenly felt His reassuring presence surround me like He came and wrapped His warm arms around me....right there in the middle of my piles of tissue. I melted...but it was good! The truth is, we don't gain ground...we gain experience, we gain maturity. 

Growth charts look quite different than charts of checking off miles we've covered on the journey. 

So, even when those ornaments (or our hearts) are askew, when we're in the middle of a holiday meltdown, when we're wondering just how we got in this shape...God is right there to help us pull it all back together. He never tires of us not-getting-it. He knows our weaknesses and is willing to see us through to what He knows we CAN be.

Here's a secret I'm learning:  He doesn't expect perfection.

No matter what we may be experiencing today, or any other day for that matter...we can be assured that if we're on the teeter-totter, there's Someone on the other side too. If it is Christmas time and things don't look "just right" or what were expecting, there's Someone there taking inventory and looking out for us. If we feel we're back-tracking, He also knows the true GPS and ETA. 

He came to earth as a baby to give us hope, to wrap us up in His love, and see us through to completion - the person He planned for us to be when He formed us in our mother's womb. 

And, my friend, that's worth melting for~
