A Unique Date #Thankfulin(F)All

Today, I'm thankful for a date with my hubby.  

I had a unique date with my hubby this afternoon. Actually, it was the first time he's ever asked me to go hunting with him. While I'm not the gun-type, I do love nature and was excited to spend this special time with my man.

It was perfect. There I sat, basking in the warm sunshine as gentle breezes teased with colorful, falling leaves. Only the sounds of the deep woods could be heard. I watched for a moment as a bird soared overhead a time or two then disappeared. Yellow butterflies fluttered about playfully. Oh, and I can't forget the occasional gnat and fly buzzing about! We sat for about an hour and caught sight of a sneaky racoon scampering quickly down the lane and over the rise.

 I was disappointed because we saw no deer; but what a wonderful evening we had enjoying the great outdoors together. All became still and quiet as the sun began to set and things settled down for the evening. Simple but perfect. Me and my man walked hand in hand over the hill and through the woods back to our vehicle. I felt a little bit like God must have at the end of His days in Creation....and He (she) saw that it was good. 

Thank you, Lord.
