God showed up in LOVE #write31days

In keeping with my GOD IN EVERY DAY #write31days challenge, today I found God in...


God is love. If you told someone you loved them today, if you felt loved by someone or love for someone...that is a God thing. Why are we able to love? Simply because we are all made in the image of God...and God is love. It's a privilege. 

When we look into the eyes of our children, when we take them in our arms and shower them with loving hugs...we're mimicking our Father. When we take the hand of our spouse or loved one or put our arm around a brother...we are practicing being more like our Savior. When we share a smile with a neighbor or stranger, or give a sandwich to a homeless person...we're sharing the love of God.

So...if you've seen or experienced anything like this today...you've witnessed God in your day. Yes, we love because He first loved us. Stop a moment and thank Him for this precious ability He's allowed us to experience and let us be quick to share it with others. Let's be conduits of God's love and pour it out freely...freely we have received...freely we should give.

God showed up in Love...
