Together...Never Alone

We're all on this journey called life. Along the way, we encounter different obstacles. One might trip you up, while another might be more of a clincher to me. Nevertheless, we walk this road together.

We're all on this journey called life. Along the way, we encounter different emotions. One might make you falter, while it might be another which causes me to stumble. Nevertheless, we walk this road together.

We're all on this journey called life. Along the way, we encounter different struggles. One might cause you to doubt, while the same might cause me to fear or take flight. Nevertheless, we walk this road together.

Yes, we're all on this journey called life. Today, you might be feeling discouraged and alone. Or maybe it might be me feeling that way. Nevertheless, we walk this road together.

May each of us diligently pray that we might take notice when those who are walking this road with us are in need of a helping hand, a listening ear or a shoulder to lean upon. May we pause and take a break from our busy lives to hand a tissue to someone who is weeping, to give the gift of our time to someone who needs to talk or sensitive enough to offer a fervent prayer and a reminder that God is always present. 

Yes, we're all on this journey called life. Today, you might win out and score the enemy with an epic fail. Or maybe it will be me who emerges from a valley victoriously. Nevertheless, we'll rejoice together, because we walk this road together.

Yes, we walk this road together, never alone.

 "Two are better than one...For if they fall, 
the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him 
that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not 
                                                another to help him up."  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
