Victory in the Tussle

Had an old song run through my mind today that I heard as a child. I can hear it being sung as I close my eyes and be quiet...

Me and the devil had a tussle
And I won
Me and the devil had a tussle
And I won
I hate the devil
He hates me
Me and that old devil just don't agree
Me and the devil had a tussle
And I won

Sometimes you've just got to stand in the middle of the ring (black-eyes, bruises, wounds and all) and proclaim, "I WON!" In your face devil! Even if you don't feel like you're winning, it just might be that strong, right hook of confusion which knocks him out. Faith in God will help us endure every round of the boxing match. I don't know who to give credit for this little tune, but I give God all the credit and glory for giving us the power to overcome - every time.

Hope someone is standing with me today. Arms held high in victory. It's alright if you're beaten a bit, and swaying under the pressure of the fight. Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. We are overcomers by the word of our testimony. Keep fighting....keep winning. Can I get an "AMEN!"
