Shoestrings...Keep Running

Shoestrings...boot straps...sometimes you just have to pick yourself up, dust off your knees and keep moving forward. 
God has a plan for our life which includes far more than we could ever imagine. He has a certain template and purpose for our lives and in order for us to fit into the mold He's designed for us, we've got to give and take. We have to give ourselves completely and take whatever may come our thanks and praise always..."for this is the will of God concerning you." (I Thessalonians 5:18)
He didn't promise it would always be easy. He didn't say everyone would understand or be pleased with what we become. He didn't say we'd always like how we felt during the process either, but He does promise that His plan is perfect. He is pleased with what He has planned. He knows what is best - always. He sees the outcome of His plan for our lives. His plans for your success far outweigh any obstacle which may come to detour you. Pain and suffering are inevitable in this life, but have a way of bringing about growth and maturity. One day, if we keep clinging to Jesus, we will "come forth as gold." (Job 23:10) Yes, Job knew this full well. There was nothing that could be taken from him which would not work out for his God's time. God has a template.
Let's not be discouraged although it's quite easy to be so on some days. Instead, let's yield to God and whatever He allows to come our way. We can do this, knowing God is in control. After all, He wants what's best for us. He will bring us through - his precious trophy-winning masterpieces. Pick yourself up, get those shoestrings tied back up and keep on running this blessed race. Give those boot straps a hard tug and jump back into the saddle - ride toward victory. Nothing can hinder or keep us from the love and plan of our God. 
Romans 8:37  "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

Dear Lord, help us to realize you have plan and purpose for our lives.
You, above all, know what we can be and what you want to do through us.
Help us not to be weary in doing well and to know that we will
one day reap, but we've got to keep pressing on and giving
way to the plans you have no matter how it may feel at times.
You always know best! Amen~
