Goodies...From a Known Source

Pumpkin roll, Banana Nut bread (or zucchini), Coconut Cream pie, Caramel Corn, Peanut Butter cookies, etc.  Why is it that we so easily turn to a cookbook and pull a recipe, prepare it, then sit down to enjoy it; yet, we hesitate to pull something from the Bible, apply it, then enjoy the results?  Is it not just as simple to apply God's principles to our lives?  Still at times, we make it out to be the absolute hardest thing ever to accomplish!  (I said "we"!)  It's been said many times before that the Bible is our "road map" to Heaven and the things of God...but why is it that we turn to other things instead?  Think about it...a recipe, whether obtained from a cookbook, online, or from a relative - it probably came from Mrs. Suzy Homemaker who lives somewhere in the hills of some little unheard of town.  How is it that we'll use her (someone we don't even know!) recipe to satisfy our craving for Pumpkin Cheesecake but not trust God's (who we DO know) way of working out our situations?  Am I making it clear for you?  Hello!!!  Pull out God's Word, get some Godly counseling from the RIGHT sources...don't chance your salvation and questions to someone you don't even know.  You are not their priority!  Trust God and those people He's placed in your life to watch over your soul.  Just a thought!  Ok...that's let me go enjoy some goodies!
