From Scars to Trophies

Yesterday, while lying on the table during physical therapy, a thought came to mind.  I injured my knee a few weeks ago; now we're trying to get it all better.  The goal.  However, as the doctor massaging away at the tender parts of my knee area, I found myself in much pain with tears warning they'd jump any moment from my eyes and sneak down my cheeks.  Goodness!  Some areas didn't hurt as much as others, then some areas seemed to make me want to scream out (no, I didn't...but I wanted to.  lol)  The doctor would see me grimace and say, "I'm sorry."

I thought about this compared to our spiritual walk with the Lord.  Sometime there are injuries that occur and we find ourselves back on the Potter's wheel having to be worked over again.  Those times can be painful as He begins to work on the parts of our lives which are tender.  We may have to endure some tearful sessions and yield when we feel like we'd rather jump off His workbench.  However, it's for our own good - this we know.  And our compassionate Savior is with us all the while, coaxing us, feeling our pain, knowing though the goal He has in mind for us.  This pain is taking us somewhere!

Life is full of bumps, bruises and scars which leave tender areas of our heart exposed.  We can ignore them or allow God to use them to make something new, something better.  It's not always going to feel good, but with God doing the work and us being determined not to run away...He can make something beautiful out of any situation.  Those bumps, bruises and scars can be a mighty testimony...trophies of a sort.  Don't you want to be God's trophy?  His masterpiece?  Give it all to Him, He has a goal in mind.

Lord God,  please help me to stay right in the middle of 
your work place. Make me over as you see fit! Those tender places
are yours to work on...I give them to you.
Thank you for feeling my pain but for desiring much
more for me.  I'm yours...make me your trophy. 
