Dear Me~ (& You)

And...why do I write these posts in the first place? First, to share with you what God has shown me or put on my heart. Secondly, because sometimes I need to go back and read my own posts so I'll be able to remember what God brought me through and remind myself of what He's told me before. I think it's called "encouraging yourself in the Lord." I find myself here for the latter reason today. happens.

Dear Me,

Today, your heart feels like its breaking, you feel cheated, and you're a bit angry. However, God is in control...don't forget that. Through this next leg of the journey there might be pain, tears, and even some heartache but God will be right there with you through it all. Remember, He said He would never leave or forsake you. What seems unbearable right now, you must choose to lay at His feet and trust that He will work it out for the best. Yes, even though you can't see how at the moment. Last week you just wrote about the "if's" in life. Don't forget that! Don't be quick to forget all the things God has laid upon your heart in the recent weeks...yes, even the closing weeks of 2016.

Remember your one word of motivation for this year...even on this 9th day in - HOPE. Remember the theme of this year - complete and total victory! No matter what it feels like today, no matter how you might be hurting inside, deal with those feelings, sure; but don't stay there. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, hold your head up and keep pressing on. God's got this!!! And you! It IS well with your soul - and that is all that matters. Cast all your cares at His feet, He's waiting to help you carry the load but won't take it from you. Give it to Him. Rest in Him.


Maybe this blog post is a bit different, but don't you have those days when you need to go back and remember? Doesn't God occasionally have to remind all of us (some of us more than others) that He's holding our world in His hands? Don't we all need to be reminded of the truth by someone sometime? I know I do!

Perhaps you may need to write yourself a letter today (or any day) if you find yourself feeling less-than-victorious. Remind yourself of the promises of a God who cannot and will not fail us - ever. I'm not saying there will be no more pain after you sign the end of the letter, but at least you'll know you're not alone and you'll be reminded that God is there to give strength and help you through. That's enough to get the blood pumping again...a gentle reminder to the heart to beat again!

Yes, life happens. Sometimes we may identify with Job or Noah, or perhaps Abraham and Sarah, what about David or Paul? We all have one thing in common no matter what the situation...God is on our side. If it had not been so...tell me where would we be?!
