I Just Live Here

"I just live here!"  The thought of that phrase coming from one of my precious teens took my breath away and made me want to pull my hair out (not literally, lol)...and then the Lord provoked me at the same time in a totally different light. 
The Bible says we're in this world but not of this world, right?  However, we can't just "live here" and have the mentality that we're just here doing our own thing, coming and going with no responsibility.  You know the thinking...we're here with our own agenda, doing what we want to do, nothing else matters, etc.   While it is true, we are not of this world, we are in it and we must realize and take responsibility that everything we do, every comment and action, no matter how big or small, whether right or wrong - has an effect on someone around us.   We can't stick our head into the proverbial sand and think that we are an island to ourselves.  How's that for those low times when we're feeling like we're ineffective or don't make a difference?  ALERT!!!  You DO!!! 
As mature adults, we are able to reason and think in a more balanced way - most of the time.   While my teen is sort of naive to the whole "adult" mentality thing at this point in life, it will eventually kick into the right mode and the light will come on.  However, we as Christians need to constantly remember that we are ambassadors for Christ and our conduct should reflect Him whether working, shopping, or having leisure time.   I remember someone comparing our lives to open books read by all men...hmm, think that might have been in the Good Book, huh?
Being on guard constantly and being sure to respond in a positive way every time takes a lot of persistence and constant work.  It doesn't just HAPPEN!  It also WON'T happen without the help of God.  I'm not saying we'll do it perfect every time, and by no means am I trying to say I've got this mastered - far from it.  I just wanted to give us something to think about today that will ultimately affect our future.  Being a Christian isn't a costume that we put on for church on Sunday...it's got to be a way of life.  Because after all, we don't just LIVE HERE!  Someone is watching you and your life is touching someone else...just a thought. :)
